Winter camp job for Filipino teachers

During the summer or winter seasons, when school’s out most students attend a summer or winter camp for English or other interests. While internet surfing today, I saw this ad specifically for Filipino teachers. It’s a winter camp for English in Gyunggido, near Seoul. I thought that many Filipinos might be interested in it. The salary is not that high (1.5 million KRW or $1,500) and the job is temporary, just for six weeks from the 15th of December to the end of January. Working time is from 9AM-6PM for a total of 30 hours a week (don’t know how!). The company would pay for the airfare and they would also apply for the C4 visa (temporary job visa). Filipinos in Korea are also encouraged to apply. The problem is I don’t know if it’s legal to teach on a C4 visa but it probably won’t kill anybody to try. Here are the details of the ad:
Location: Gyunggido
Teacher type: Filipino teachers preferred
Students: elementary and middle school
Starting date: 15th of December
Salary: 1.5 million won
Total hours: 30 hours per week
Teaching hours: 9AM-6PM
Workdays: Monday-Friday
Class size: 12 students/class
Housing: shared
Airfare: roundtrip provided
Visa: C4 provided
Insurance: half provided
Filipino citizen, aged 25-35
Bachelor’s degree in any major (education or higher preferred)
To apply, send a RESUME (with contact number) and a photo (formal) to
Good luck guys!

  1. It’s really my desire to teach English in Korea. I’ve been teaching english for Koreans here in my country (Phils.)for almost two years.
    But when i read about the age requirement i was really sad coz i’m already out of the package..i mean i was not qualified coz i’m already 41 years old but still young in personal.
    Can u take a consideration to apply for this position.
    Thank you and God bless.

  2. for a moment there i thought the news’ just recent. is the position open for this year? i’d like to teach in korea

  3. i just want to know more about this camp,coz i’ve been teaching koreans for 3years and i want to go to korea if theres any opportunity for me and im willing to grab that opportunity…pls e-mail me for more information.Thanks God bless

  4. im really interested in the job offered for teaching in this still open?im an elementary teacher for almost 8 years.

  5. My name is Ramil santos from the Philippines. I’m a graduate of Computer Science and taking my masters degree in the University of the Philippines and taking my second degree in BA Film. I want to pursue a career and live in South Korea. Please help me to find a job and contact me as soon as there will be vacant positions. this is the site for my resume. kamsamnida.

  6. you know I am presently employed here at korea as nursery teacher in a International School. But honestly speaking, korea is not the place for us, because we are considered slaves and there’s discrimination. If you want to pursue your career as a teacher go apply at are all qualified not here in korea. Korea is not a good place, and it is totally different from the korean novela we are watching. Believe me because I am here now. Here at my school they are looking for a Filipina for teacher aide position because Filipina women are really very patient and just always bow heads in other words, follow orders even they taking advantage of us. I can’t give you the website right now because they will know who am I. Just browse all International School here at Korea……Shilyehamnida

  7. ^^ Korea is not for everyone. It’s the same with other countries. I’ve met Pinoy workers here who are enjoying their jobs and I’ve also met Pinoys who are now Korean citizens and are still complaining about the country. Weird no? Nag-Korean citizen ka pa tapos dami naman palang reklamo.

  8. Hello! I also saw this ad in I have a question though, is it really possible for Filipinos to work there as teachers even if this is only a winter camp job?
    I have also tried submitting my resume to the given e-mail add, but my message was only sent back. I think that the e-mail add has either expired or is non-existent.
    I would really love to apply for that job, but I’m not sure how I’d be able to do that without their correct e-mail add. You’re in Korea. Please help. Perhaps you could contact them then e-mail me? YOu’re the only one whom I could turn to.
    I’d really really greatly appreciate it:)

  9. @Sarah >> this ad was posted almost three years ago and it was for that year’s winter camp…

  10. haha.i see. i think i posted three years late. and an acquaintance who referred this info was also three years late.thanks anyway for correcting that grave error. hmm. and also, if you know any language scholarship,please let me know.thanks:)

  11. ^^ sure! i’ll try to look for any opening for filipinos (educational scholarship and employment) and post them here later…

  12. I am filipina businesswoman who put up Online Language School with 15-seater office and 10 ESL teachers. I am curently expanding my business thus I am seeking for business partners to supply me with students.
    For queries on eLearning contact me by:
    Skype ID: Speak English, Go Global (teacher.anne)

  13. hello… i would like to ask if it is possible to go to korea without passing the klt? for filipinos who are there alsready can i ask if its possible to know when will be the EPS-KLT here in the philippines?

  14. i’m a filipina teacher i have a passport and i’ve been in korea incheon city 4months ago. i know how to speak hangukmal as well. i experienced teaching koreans in english camps here in philippines during their winter break im very willing to apply for this job i alrady have my passport. please contact me – 09093774578

  15. lolz…as of now filipinos are not yet allowed to teach here!…hihi…2010 I’ve heard that information that the Government of Korea will hired Licensed Teachers from Philippines. Who made this site? sana ok ka lng. wag k nmn ganyan pare…WAG KAU PALOKO…

  16. Koreans are all bull! Jotce is right. If you guys wanna teach abroad better go to America. Koreans are racists. Of course I would know because I had my own share of experiences when it comes to working with them. Don’t be fooled by them.

  17. I am a filipa and already here in korea(korean wife)I am interested in summer/winter camp pls.let me know if there still available potion for teaching either fulltime or partime..pls send message to my email.tnx and hope to here from you soon.

  18. hi
    i really admire your site…
    it’s really helping me a lot..
    you see i’m an esl teacher here in cebu..
    professionally im a nurse but as you can see we are overloaded with registered nurses here in the phil. so most of us opt to apply as an esl instructor…the pay is not that good and it’s temporary..
    anyway, i would like to know if you are a filipino..
    you really provide answers to my questions…
    i have couple of questions to you..
    first is that i want to know how to get a visa in korea…the info that you posted is actually confusing me…
    i’ve talked to my student and he told me that i would be needing an invitation from a korean friend…and a huge show money…not to mention the paper works they require to get there…he even added that it’s almost impossible to get one…
    what are the requirements….im really interested in visiting there…
    second question….my student told me that it is really possible to get a teaching job in korea…and a friend of my mine who is currently working as an english teacher there proves it more….
    so my question, how???? i’ve been searching answers and the answers that i get leads to frustration…
    is not i really want to land a job there in korea…but if it possible why not…another thing is that i want to at least visit the country…their culture and the people i meet here in the phil. gives me all the reason in the world to visit the country…..
    thanks by the way for answering my questions i will be expecting….kabayan!!!!
    you can email me with this email add (this is also my facebook account i-d)
    or (you can add me in your ym with this email)
    grace.antonnette.vergara (this is my skype i-d…period included)
    thanks a lot…
    i wrote a bunch of letter hope you have some time to read it…..
    .-= gracie´s last blog ..courtesy of kyeong =-.

  19. hello!! I have been an esl teacher for a long time and i wanted to really teach in korea too. Please send me the e mail on where to apply.
    thank you very much!!

  20. Hi!!! I would like to ask if “Winter camp job for Filipino teachers” still available. Kindly give me some updates in my email. Tnx

    1. hi gian! this was posted in 2005… but there are still winter camps that you can join, just look for them on the net

  21. Hello and good day! I’m a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Major Gen. Science. I’m also a private tutor and a science teacher here in my country the Philippines. I am interested to apply in the said position. I would like to know sir / madam where do I send my resume, because it is not indicated on the said website address. Thank you very much, more power and God bless!
    E-mail address –

  22. Where in Gyonggido is this school?
    Can you please send me the contact number?
    I am living in Gyonggido now and have teaching experience. I also did Summer Camp before. Thank you and more power!

  23. hi im from philippines, im here in mokpo national maritime university…i need a part time job this coming winter vacation…my vacation starts on december 16, 2009 up to march…e mail me at thank you…and God bless..

  24. Hello there! My husband is working in korea, I am planning to work there also but I dont seem to find the right opportunity. Is this teaching opportunity still open? I’d be very glad to apply for one. There is only one catch, I am not an education graduate. I took up Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, I hope this does not hamper me from getting any job there in South Korea. Thank

  25. Hello and good day Im graduate of bachelor of science secretarial administration, major in education. Im willing to teach english to the korean students. If you interested me please email me in a nice day!

  26. hello there…I just want to ask if there is any job vacancy in korea but in suwon or gumi only because my students invite me to go to their house. While staying in their house i just want to do part time job so that i could make my vacation worth it…ahahahaah…just inform me if ever you know any job for filipino in this area…just email me at…tnx…..

  27. I m looking for Filipino teacher. My name is ahmed, i am asaudi arabian family, who has kids (girls) from k.3-G.3. Kids study in international school. My home is located Riyadh
    Teacher must be female, age between20-38 years old. Teacher must be good looking and good personality to draw attention from kids. Teacher has to know English, know phonics. Teacher must have a very good in English speaking,reading,writing. the salary is 1500 usd dollars per month and available accommodation and food and she will move to saudi arabia
    Please contact back

  28. i am very interested to apply this job opportunity but i am still 22 years old. id finish my bachelors degree in education very recently but i’d experienced teaching for almost 4 months of high school students.

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