Jang Dong Gun & Lee Na Young?

While my husband was on the computer and I was preparing dinner last night…
Hubby: Do you know Lee Na Young?
Betchay: Of course…
Hubby: Do you like her?
Betchay: Not much… there’s just something about her that bothers me…
Hubby: She’s Jang Dong Gun’s girlfriend!
Betchay: No!
So I went to see what he’s looking at and it turned out to be pictures of Jang Dong Gun and Lee Na Young walking hand in hand during the Blue Dragon Awards (Korean version of the Oscar’s). The issue is not really that they were holding hands but the way they held hands… It’s kinda difficult for me to accept that JDG is seeing someone… I hope it isn’t true! ๐Ÿ˜€
jang dong gun & lee na young
Picture from this site…

  1. hmm, true kaya yan?… i agree may something si Lee na-young that’s not right. Selos lang siguro tayo! Hahaha…

  2. aw… so sad. Here I am harbouring that whee bit of hope when he comes to Singapore next Wed : (
    But on 2nd thots, he’s such a nice guy, good for him to find someone he likes.

  3. What’s wrong with the holding hands. They are
    friends! If they are lovers, that’s not our

  4. Oh nooooo!!!!i can’t accept it..It’s not a great news to jdg fan if he realy hav a special r’ship with naa young.. i always dream and prays for him so that he’s getting married soon with someone that can make him happy..and hope jdg will get chae rim as his gf soon.coz chae rim is now single!!!get her..get her..JDG!!!

  5. Do anyone know if Jang Dong Gun is a singles person? or know his home address and email address. If anyone know anything about him. Please let me know.Because I am one of his fan,and want to be his friend and get to know him. I only watch one of his movie on dvd. The movie I watch is translate in vietnamese language.Also the tile. I like that movie alot. Some part are so romance,and some are so sab. It make me cry in some of the part.I wihs I have dvds movie of him. Yuo,see the movie that I have it is not my. It belong to my sister hanband brother wife. She borrow from here friend and she let my sister borrow it. So ,my sister bring it to my house so me and her could watch it. Me,my sister and my mom like to watch movie together.But we don`t know where to buy the movie,and byside we can not afford to buy movie, becaese I am not working.IT is a long story about me not working. It happen to my when I was a baby,to tell now. PS Please please let me know if anyone or anybody know any information about him. I am begging you. Thank you very much for listening. Here is my email address vietgirldtn69@yahoo.com . Please contact me if you know anything about him. Thank yuo Nhai July 19,2006 at 3:41pm

  6. If Lee Na-young and Jang Dong Gun are trusted to be together, I like them as a wonderful couple.
    Hisaki Araya

  7. Oh no, no, no. I want to be happy for him but I am soooo jealous. I guess if he’s really happy with her….let’s let them be.
    How do we confirm this? Betchay, please find out for us JDG fans, please? Thanks so much. I don’t think I can sleep tonight. I have seen him in person and he’s super duper cutie-pie, tall, handsome, gorgeous. She’s one lucky chick.

  8. oh nooo!!!! i am dissapointed. why JDG with Na Young? i will be happy if he with chae rim. please, JDG you must get chae rim, she is so beautiful and match with you. don’t let her go away from you again. Or have you get married with Na Young on August 2006?? oh… you make me feel dissapointed.

  9. Is a good thing I don’t have a heart promblem ! cause if I have.. I’ll be dead by now. hehehe. Im a Nayoung’s fan.

  10. I hope this woman isnt his girlfriend. There are other women more worthy (face, body, intelligence and etc) of JDG. If he has to choose an actress, a beautiful face like Chae Rim or Kim Tae Hee will do. However, from what I have read about him, especially these days, someone who is really SMART and can understand him, especially about his insecurities, should be his better choice. Anyone in the limelight (model, singer, or actress) will be too busy for him. And if he chooses to be in show business even after marriage, they both will compete, and this usually leads to marital problems. So, JDG, more POWER TO YOU in your choice of a life-time partner!!!!

  11. am soo hooked on this actor(JDG) since All About Eve and have been searching for more infos on him and Chae Rim, whom I think one of the most beautiful women in the world. I’m from Denmark and US and I think Chae Rim is drop dead gorgeous, would love to see another movie of her and the HUNK Jang Dong Gun.
    Just read somewhere that Chae Rim is divorced, perhaps I share the same dream as the poster above regarding the possibility of these two gorgeous actors being hooked up in real life(??)

  12. People you know what it seems that you have nothing to worry about!!! AS FAR AS NOW wala pang nababalita na may girlfriend
    Jang Dong-gun!! and you know what… ang mga Korean men lang talaga sweet and gentlemen lang daw talaga kaya ganyan… holding hands sila. and kung they are really together well might as well just be happy for the both of them! ok naman sila tingnan eh ha ha ha pero ang good news nga lang as far as now wala pa daw napapabalitang girlfriend si Jang Dong-gun!

  13. Am not a Korean follower but when I saw All About Eve, whooow!!! something good!!! JDG is really hot. praying that he ends up with chae rim. since watching All About Eve, it really drives me crazy esp their romantic scenes. Love it!!!

  14. I also like Jang dong gun when All about eve was shown in the Phils but I thought he was with Choi ji woo.

  15. Well, if I were the guy, it doesn’t trill me to have a gal dominating over me. See the hand of the lady is on top of the guy. The position of the hands are just not comfortable. It is only naturally if the hand of the guy goes over the gal. Try it yourself!

  16. omigosh! are they really together? please tell me it is not true. they don’t look good together. i want him with someone like chae rim. their chemistry is good in all about eve. arrgh!

  17. i cant believe it…its hurt me…but as human being he deserved get sm1 that create 4 him….but the real fact he’ll be my luv…and always…like lifehouse song…i live my life for u……

  18. Wow, can’t believe you guys made a big deal of this for so long. If you noticed, JDG entered the show ALONE. He was on the red carpet alone. He arrived alone. This photo is of the two of them crossing a stage–did they present or receive an award together? That’s what it looks like. I can’t believe this as even discussed. If she had been his girlfriend, so you really think they would have exposed their relationship like this? You need t read between the lines. She looks uncomfortable. I saw this photo a while back and the first thing that struck me was that she looks uncomfortable. Never did it enter my mind that this was a romantic gesture. More than likely, she was incredbly nervous and he was helping her. I really believe it was nothing more than that. But it’s embarrasing to see what a big deal the fans made over nothing.

  19. You guys are so funny. JDG should be dating someone and starting a family at his age. I can understand where the jealous coming from… However, wish him luck. Yo… let’s cool down and have a fun holidays

  20. JDG always get rumored with different actresses. As a matter he was rumored to be secretly married to CJW which they both denied & found not to be true. Ofcourse, I won’t mind if they did because they looked great together in their drama Love/Sarang. Just like CJW had been rumored with all her leading men. Why don’t we just leave these actors alone. Rumors are not very nice & dangerous.

  21. hi i’m kadya from morocco i love so much jang dong gun i want to travel to korea to meet jang dong gun i’m so beautiful i’m a misse in heigh univesity in morocco i want to do a job with jang dong gun i love you so much.take care ok bye bye

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANG DONG GUN ! March 7 . I wish you’ll soon find the right girl for you. I saw his CNN interview and he said he’s still looking .

  23. So this Gun character is a real heartbreaker huh? Wow, would have never guessed that. I wonder if my wife has a secret crush as well!

  24. Well, DongGun-ssi is so good looking with very magnetic eyes. I just hope he gets to meet someone that would lOve and cherish him for always. He seems to be such a sweet person and he deserves someone like so. I just love this guy. AWESOME!!!
    Betchay, I just love your blog. Very informative. Go Girl! We Pinays are doing ok anywhere we are.

  25. hi, jang dong gun how are you doing ? i hope you are fine .you are a very good actor .you are the best actor .i like your drama series and movies , also your songs .i love you so much .good luck

  26. i hope the gossip about them is not true..i wish he will be a life partner to chae rim or some one else..but we cant force the love..am i right..

  27. jang dong gun, you must find your partner ASAP bcoz you are getting old day by day. hehe.other than that, you must stop the rumor that said you are a gay. go and discuss with chae rim about your relationship seriously.she is single right? she is the most suit partner for you.what are you waiting for??!!roll and action!!!

  28. Let us wish JDG happiness. I guess currently there is no one lick to him. The right one will come on the right time for everyone. Let us pray for God’s guidance.
    BTW, JDG is celebrating his birthday in Japan this 6th of March at Pacifico Hall. Wish I could be there. To those who can, enjoy yourselves and share the experience!! God bless us and JDG.

  29. Hopefully another movie, drama or what ever with Chae Rim after ALL ABOUT EVE. I’m really fall in love with him…

  30. if your wife is not Lee Young Ae,i’ll hate you forever !!!
    can’t believe that nobody knows Medical Brothers???

  31. Hi Jang Dong Gun,
    I wish to see settle down yourself with Chae Rim. She perfectly meant for you. Both of you are the most loveable couple in Korean Drama, All about Eve and hope to see both of you act together in future.

  32. is that true? when was that picture taken? huhuhu….. but what can we do? if they really meant for each other.. but, i want JDG
    to end up up with chae rim. she’s divorced! right? they look good together. they have chemistry. i fell in love with both of them in all about eve.. HOPE TO HAVE SEQUEL OF ALL ABOUT EVE.. don’t worry JDG, i still LOVE you a lot.. i’ll be your forever loyal fan till you get old…. muah! muah! muah!

    1. yess, I agree with maria speak
      you and chae rim is good couple
      hopefully they live together in the future
      I love jung dong gun and chae rim
      I hope ALL ABOUT EVE have a sequel

  33. Jang Dong Gun n Chae Rim…. I’ll always รขโ„ขยฅ u both !!!
    Peace !

  34. Is that true???
    Actually I don’t want to see him with any girl. But wish u’ll be always happy! I do love u!

  35. hi ive seen the interview for JDG this 2009 in a new show.that was the comeback interview after 6 years or 8 years.he’s really honest in his answer and he admits in his age and at the top of his career he felt the emptiness.when he hang out w/ his friends he wish he has a wife who could call her at around 2am.if somebody will call her during that time she would marry that girl.so u know guys we should be happy with him.even how successful we are we still feel the emptiness and looking for a company who would love us and accept and know the real we are not because of our status. I really admire JDG esp. in all about eve.i love everything about him the way he act.i’m hoping he could find the right girl after the two failure of his marriage or two seriously he dated before.he deserves to be happy.I love you JDG but I love u more if someone will love u real in the future.who will be devoted, love, faithful and loyal to you.mwah

  36. Hey guys. I’m a Korean. As I know, that was a kind of concept. So you guys don’t need to worry about that. There is nothing between them. At that time, they had to say someone who won in The Blue Dragon Award. So that’s why they held hands each other. Don’t worry. haha. It’s funny for me. It wasn’t issued in Korea. So I am surprised now.. haha

  37. hello jang dond gun
    i’m thai. i saw you in all about eve. i saw it many times. i like you so much. you’re smart , gentle and handsome. i will admire and follow your works. i would like you act with chare rim again. if it is possible. you’re suitable. when do you come to Thailand? i would like to see you. i’m sorry if my english isn’t good.

  38. i used to be one of your fans in adonis japan. fanclub.i saw u in nipon budokan on your birthday .i travelled to tokyo and had an accident on the way home. so i write u a letter hoping that u will answer back .and i waited 3 years and then now im back to reality ,that no letter is coming..well thats life and i thank u givivg me an inspiration….wishing you good health and happiness.sometimes think of responsing yo ur fans coz u have no idea how much it means to them…

    1. hi violeta! i think JDG is sooo busy and can you imagine how many fans write to him? i get about 30 emails a day and it usually takes me days to reply… imagine how it is like for a famous actor like JDG?

  39. hi jang dong gun,
    i’m one of your fans here in Philippines. when i heard that ur getting married this coming May i felt sad coz we’re still hoping that you and Chae Rim become the real couple. i hope someday you will reunites to a new show like in All About Eve. i love you both…

  40. please ! one drama wif chae rim again!all of us love to see u wif chae rim! jang dong gung and chae rim best couple on screen!

  41. please do another series w/ chae rim coz i really like both of you. you are one of the best couple i’ve seen.

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Jang Dong Gun & Lee Na Young?

While my husband was on the computer and I was preparing dinner last night…
Hubby: Do you know Lee Na Young?
Betchay: Of course…
Hubby: Do you like her?
Betchay: Not much… there’s just something about her that bothers me…
Hubby: She’s Jang Dong Gun’s girlfriend!
Betchay: No!
So I went to see what he’s looking at and it turned out to be pictures of Jang Dong Gun and Lee Na Young walking hand in hand during the Blue Dragon Awards (Korean version of the Oscar’s). The issue is not really that they were holding hands but the way they held hands… It’s kinda difficult for me to accept that JDG is seeing someone… I hope it isn’t true! ๐Ÿ˜€
jang dong gun & lee na young
Picture from this site…

  1. hmm, true kaya yan?… i agree may something si Lee na-young that’s not right. Selos lang siguro tayo! Hahaha…

  2. aw… so sad. Here I am harbouring that whee bit of hope when he comes to Singapore next Wed : (
    But on 2nd thots, he’s such a nice guy, good for him to find someone he likes.

  3. What’s wrong with the holding hands. They are
    friends! If they are lovers, that’s not our

  4. Oh nooooo!!!!i can’t accept it..It’s not a great news to jdg fan if he realy hav a special r’ship with naa young.. i always dream and prays for him so that he’s getting married soon with someone that can make him happy..and hope jdg will get chae rim as his gf soon.coz chae rim is now single!!!get her..get her..JDG!!!

  5. Do anyone know if Jang Dong Gun is a singles person? or know his home address and email address. If anyone know anything about him. Please let me know.Because I am one of his fan,and want to be his friend and get to know him. I only watch one of his movie on dvd. The movie I watch is translate in vietnamese language.Also the tile. I like that movie alot. Some part are so romance,and some are so sab. It make me cry in some of the part.I wihs I have dvds movie of him. Yuo,see the movie that I have it is not my. It belong to my sister hanband brother wife. She borrow from here friend and she let my sister borrow it. So ,my sister bring it to my house so me and her could watch it. Me,my sister and my mom like to watch movie together.But we don`t know where to buy the movie,and byside we can not afford to buy movie, becaese I am not working.IT is a long story about me not working. It happen to my when I was a baby,to tell now. PS Please please let me know if anyone or anybody know any information about him. I am begging you. Thank you very much for listening. Here is my email address vietgirldtn69@yahoo.com . Please contact me if you know anything about him. Thank yuo Nhai July 19,2006 at 3:41pm

  6. If Lee Na-young and Jang Dong Gun are trusted to be together, I like them as a wonderful couple.
    Hisaki Araya

  7. Oh no, no, no. I want to be happy for him but I am soooo jealous. I guess if he’s really happy with her….let’s let them be.
    How do we confirm this? Betchay, please find out for us JDG fans, please? Thanks so much. I don’t think I can sleep tonight. I have seen him in person and he’s super duper cutie-pie, tall, handsome, gorgeous. She’s one lucky chick.

  8. oh nooo!!!! i am dissapointed. why JDG with Na Young? i will be happy if he with chae rim. please, JDG you must get chae rim, she is so beautiful and match with you. don’t let her go away from you again. Or have you get married with Na Young on August 2006?? oh… you make me feel dissapointed.

  9. Is a good thing I don’t have a heart promblem ! cause if I have.. I’ll be dead by now. hehehe. Im a Nayoung’s fan.

  10. I hope this woman isnt his girlfriend. There are other women more worthy (face, body, intelligence and etc) of JDG. If he has to choose an actress, a beautiful face like Chae Rim or Kim Tae Hee will do. However, from what I have read about him, especially these days, someone who is really SMART and can understand him, especially about his insecurities, should be his better choice. Anyone in the limelight (model, singer, or actress) will be too busy for him. And if he chooses to be in show business even after marriage, they both will compete, and this usually leads to marital problems. So, JDG, more POWER TO YOU in your choice of a life-time partner!!!!

  11. am soo hooked on this actor(JDG) since All About Eve and have been searching for more infos on him and Chae Rim, whom I think one of the most beautiful women in the world. I’m from Denmark and US and I think Chae Rim is drop dead gorgeous, would love to see another movie of her and the HUNK Jang Dong Gun.
    Just read somewhere that Chae Rim is divorced, perhaps I share the same dream as the poster above regarding the possibility of these two gorgeous actors being hooked up in real life(??)

  12. People you know what it seems that you have nothing to worry about!!! AS FAR AS NOW wala pang nababalita na may girlfriend
    Jang Dong-gun!! and you know what… ang mga Korean men lang talaga sweet and gentlemen lang daw talaga kaya ganyan… holding hands sila. and kung they are really together well might as well just be happy for the both of them! ok naman sila tingnan eh ha ha ha pero ang good news nga lang as far as now wala pa daw napapabalitang girlfriend si Jang Dong-gun!

  13. Am not a Korean follower but when I saw All About Eve, whooow!!! something good!!! JDG is really hot. praying that he ends up with chae rim. since watching All About Eve, it really drives me crazy esp their romantic scenes. Love it!!!

  14. I also like Jang dong gun when All about eve was shown in the Phils but I thought he was with Choi ji woo.

  15. Well, if I were the guy, it doesn’t trill me to have a gal dominating over me. See the hand of the lady is on top of the guy. The position of the hands are just not comfortable. It is only naturally if the hand of the guy goes over the gal. Try it yourself!

  16. omigosh! are they really together? please tell me it is not true. they don’t look good together. i want him with someone like chae rim. their chemistry is good in all about eve. arrgh!

  17. i cant believe it…its hurt me…but as human being he deserved get sm1 that create 4 him….but the real fact he’ll be my luv…and always…like lifehouse song…i live my life for u……

  18. Wow, can’t believe you guys made a big deal of this for so long. If you noticed, JDG entered the show ALONE. He was on the red carpet alone. He arrived alone. This photo is of the two of them crossing a stage–did they present or receive an award together? That’s what it looks like. I can’t believe this as even discussed. If she had been his girlfriend, so you really think they would have exposed their relationship like this? You need t read between the lines. She looks uncomfortable. I saw this photo a while back and the first thing that struck me was that she looks uncomfortable. Never did it enter my mind that this was a romantic gesture. More than likely, she was incredbly nervous and he was helping her. I really believe it was nothing more than that. But it’s embarrasing to see what a big deal the fans made over nothing.

  19. You guys are so funny. JDG should be dating someone and starting a family at his age. I can understand where the jealous coming from… However, wish him luck. Yo… let’s cool down and have a fun holidays

  20. JDG always get rumored with different actresses. As a matter he was rumored to be secretly married to CJW which they both denied & found not to be true. Ofcourse, I won’t mind if they did because they looked great together in their drama Love/Sarang. Just like CJW had been rumored with all her leading men. Why don’t we just leave these actors alone. Rumors are not very nice & dangerous.

  21. hi i’m kadya from morocco i love so much jang dong gun i want to travel to korea to meet jang dong gun i’m so beautiful i’m a misse in heigh univesity in morocco i want to do a job with jang dong gun i love you so much.take care ok bye bye

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANG DONG GUN ! March 7 . I wish you’ll soon find the right girl for you. I saw his CNN interview and he said he’s still looking .

  23. So this Gun character is a real heartbreaker huh? Wow, would have never guessed that. I wonder if my wife has a secret crush as well!

  24. Well, DongGun-ssi is so good looking with very magnetic eyes. I just hope he gets to meet someone that would lOve and cherish him for always. He seems to be such a sweet person and he deserves someone like so. I just love this guy. AWESOME!!!
    Betchay, I just love your blog. Very informative. Go Girl! We Pinays are doing ok anywhere we are.

  25. hi, jang dong gun how are you doing ? i hope you are fine .you are a very good actor .you are the best actor .i like your drama series and movies , also your songs .i love you so much .good luck

  26. i hope the gossip about them is not true..i wish he will be a life partner to chae rim or some one else..but we cant force the love..am i right..

  27. jang dong gun, you must find your partner ASAP bcoz you are getting old day by day. hehe.other than that, you must stop the rumor that said you are a gay. go and discuss with chae rim about your relationship seriously.she is single right? she is the most suit partner for you.what are you waiting for??!!roll and action!!!

  28. Let us wish JDG happiness. I guess currently there is no one lick to him. The right one will come on the right time for everyone. Let us pray for God’s guidance.
    BTW, JDG is celebrating his birthday in Japan this 6th of March at Pacifico Hall. Wish I could be there. To those who can, enjoy yourselves and share the experience!! God bless us and JDG.

  29. Hopefully another movie, drama or what ever with Chae Rim after ALL ABOUT EVE. I’m really fall in love with him…

  30. if your wife is not Lee Young Ae,i’ll hate you forever !!!
    can’t believe that nobody knows Medical Brothers???

  31. Hi Jang Dong Gun,
    I wish to see settle down yourself with Chae Rim. She perfectly meant for you. Both of you are the most loveable couple in Korean Drama, All about Eve and hope to see both of you act together in future.

  32. is that true? when was that picture taken? huhuhu….. but what can we do? if they really meant for each other.. but, i want JDG
    to end up up with chae rim. she’s divorced! right? they look good together. they have chemistry. i fell in love with both of them in all about eve.. HOPE TO HAVE SEQUEL OF ALL ABOUT EVE.. don’t worry JDG, i still LOVE you a lot.. i’ll be your forever loyal fan till you get old…. muah! muah! muah!

    1. yess, I agree with maria speak
      you and chae rim is good couple
      hopefully they live together in the future
      I love jung dong gun and chae rim
      I hope ALL ABOUT EVE have a sequel

  33. Jang Dong Gun n Chae Rim…. I’ll always รขโ„ขยฅ u both !!!
    Peace !

  34. Is that true???
    Actually I don’t want to see him with any girl. But wish u’ll be always happy! I do love u!

  35. hi ive seen the interview for JDG this 2009 in a new show.that was the comeback interview after 6 years or 8 years.he’s really honest in his answer and he admits in his age and at the top of his career he felt the emptiness.when he hang out w/ his friends he wish he has a wife who could call her at around 2am.if somebody will call her during that time she would marry that girl.so u know guys we should be happy with him.even how successful we are we still feel the emptiness and looking for a company who would love us and accept and know the real we are not because of our status. I really admire JDG esp. in all about eve.i love everything about him the way he act.i’m hoping he could find the right girl after the two failure of his marriage or two seriously he dated before.he deserves to be happy.I love you JDG but I love u more if someone will love u real in the future.who will be devoted, love, faithful and loyal to you.mwah

  36. Hey guys. I’m a Korean. As I know, that was a kind of concept. So you guys don’t need to worry about that. There is nothing between them. At that time, they had to say someone who won in The Blue Dragon Award. So that’s why they held hands each other. Don’t worry. haha. It’s funny for me. It wasn’t issued in Korea. So I am surprised now.. haha

  37. hello jang dond gun
    i’m thai. i saw you in all about eve. i saw it many times. i like you so much. you’re smart , gentle and handsome. i will admire and follow your works. i would like you act with chare rim again. if it is possible. you’re suitable. when do you come to Thailand? i would like to see you. i’m sorry if my english isn’t good.

  38. i used to be one of your fans in adonis japan. fanclub.i saw u in nipon budokan on your birthday .i travelled to tokyo and had an accident on the way home. so i write u a letter hoping that u will answer back .and i waited 3 years and then now im back to reality ,that no letter is coming..well thats life and i thank u givivg me an inspiration….wishing you good health and happiness.sometimes think of responsing yo ur fans coz u have no idea how much it means to them…

    1. hi violeta! i think JDG is sooo busy and can you imagine how many fans write to him? i get about 30 emails a day and it usually takes me days to reply… imagine how it is like for a famous actor like JDG?

  39. hi jang dong gun,
    i’m one of your fans here in Philippines. when i heard that ur getting married this coming May i felt sad coz we’re still hoping that you and Chae Rim become the real couple. i hope someday you will reunites to a new show like in All About Eve. i love you both…

  40. please ! one drama wif chae rim again!all of us love to see u wif chae rim! jang dong gung and chae rim best couple on screen!

  41. please do another series w/ chae rim coz i really like both of you. you are one of the best couple i’ve seen.

Leave a Reply to Jaa-jahCancel reply

Jang Dong Gun & Lee Na Young?

While my husband was on the computer and I was preparing dinner last night…
Hubby: Do you know Lee Na Young?
Betchay: Of course…
Hubby: Do you like her?
Betchay: Not much… there’s just something about her that bothers me…
Hubby: She’s Jang Dong Gun’s girlfriend!
Betchay: No!
So I went to see what he’s looking at and it turned out to be pictures of Jang Dong Gun and Lee Na Young walking hand in hand during the Blue Dragon Awards (Korean version of the Oscar’s). The issue is not really that they were holding hands but the way they held hands… It’s kinda difficult for me to accept that JDG is seeing someone… I hope it isn’t true! ๐Ÿ˜€
jang dong gun & lee na young
Picture from this site…


  1. hmm, true kaya yan?… i agree may something si Lee na-young that’s not right. Selos lang siguro tayo! Hahaha…

  2. aw… so sad. Here I am harbouring that whee bit of hope when he comes to Singapore next Wed : (
    But on 2nd thots, he’s such a nice guy, good for him to find someone he likes.

  3. What’s wrong with the holding hands. They are
    friends! If they are lovers, that’s not our

  4. Oh nooooo!!!!i can’t accept it..It’s not a great news to jdg fan if he realy hav a special r’ship with naa young.. i always dream and prays for him so that he’s getting married soon with someone that can make him happy..and hope jdg will get chae rim as his gf soon.coz chae rim is now single!!!get her..get her..JDG!!!

  5. Do anyone know if Jang Dong Gun is a singles person? or know his home address and email address. If anyone know anything about him. Please let me know.Because I am one of his fan,and want to be his friend and get to know him. I only watch one of his movie on dvd. The movie I watch is translate in vietnamese language.Also the tile. I like that movie alot. Some part are so romance,and some are so sab. It make me cry in some of the part.I wihs I have dvds movie of him. Yuo,see the movie that I have it is not my. It belong to my sister hanband brother wife. She borrow from here friend and she let my sister borrow it. So ,my sister bring it to my house so me and her could watch it. Me,my sister and my mom like to watch movie together.But we don`t know where to buy the movie,and byside we can not afford to buy movie, becaese I am not working.IT is a long story about me not working. It happen to my when I was a baby,to tell now. PS Please please let me know if anyone or anybody know any information about him. I am begging you. Thank you very much for listening. Here is my email address vietgirldtn69@yahoo.com . Please contact me if you know anything about him. Thank yuo Nhai July 19,2006 at 3:41pm

  6. If Lee Na-young and Jang Dong Gun are trusted to be together, I like them as a wonderful couple.
    Hisaki Araya

  7. Oh no, no, no. I want to be happy for him but I am soooo jealous. I guess if he’s really happy with her….let’s let them be.
    How do we confirm this? Betchay, please find out for us JDG fans, please? Thanks so much. I don’t think I can sleep tonight. I have seen him in person and he’s super duper cutie-pie, tall, handsome, gorgeous. She’s one lucky chick.

  8. oh nooo!!!! i am dissapointed. why JDG with Na Young? i will be happy if he with chae rim. please, JDG you must get chae rim, she is so beautiful and match with you. don’t let her go away from you again. Or have you get married with Na Young on August 2006?? oh… you make me feel dissapointed.

  9. Is a good thing I don’t have a heart promblem ! cause if I have.. I’ll be dead by now. hehehe. Im a Nayoung’s fan.

  10. I hope this woman isnt his girlfriend. There are other women more worthy (face, body, intelligence and etc) of JDG. If he has to choose an actress, a beautiful face like Chae Rim or Kim Tae Hee will do. However, from what I have read about him, especially these days, someone who is really SMART and can understand him, especially about his insecurities, should be his better choice. Anyone in the limelight (model, singer, or actress) will be too busy for him. And if he chooses to be in show business even after marriage, they both will compete, and this usually leads to marital problems. So, JDG, more POWER TO YOU in your choice of a life-time partner!!!!

  11. am soo hooked on this actor(JDG) since All About Eve and have been searching for more infos on him and Chae Rim, whom I think one of the most beautiful women in the world. I’m from Denmark and US and I think Chae Rim is drop dead gorgeous, would love to see another movie of her and the HUNK Jang Dong Gun.
    Just read somewhere that Chae Rim is divorced, perhaps I share the same dream as the poster above regarding the possibility of these two gorgeous actors being hooked up in real life(??)

  12. People you know what it seems that you have nothing to worry about!!! AS FAR AS NOW wala pang nababalita na may girlfriend
    Jang Dong-gun!! and you know what… ang mga Korean men lang talaga sweet and gentlemen lang daw talaga kaya ganyan… holding hands sila. and kung they are really together well might as well just be happy for the both of them! ok naman sila tingnan eh ha ha ha pero ang good news nga lang as far as now wala pa daw napapabalitang girlfriend si Jang Dong-gun!

  13. Am not a Korean follower but when I saw All About Eve, whooow!!! something good!!! JDG is really hot. praying that he ends up with chae rim. since watching All About Eve, it really drives me crazy esp their romantic scenes. Love it!!!

  14. I also like Jang dong gun when All about eve was shown in the Phils but I thought he was with Choi ji woo.

  15. Well, if I were the guy, it doesn’t trill me to have a gal dominating over me. See the hand of the lady is on top of the guy. The position of the hands are just not comfortable. It is only naturally if the hand of the guy goes over the gal. Try it yourself!

  16. omigosh! are they really together? please tell me it is not true. they don’t look good together. i want him with someone like chae rim. their chemistry is good in all about eve. arrgh!

  17. i cant believe it…its hurt me…but as human being he deserved get sm1 that create 4 him….but the real fact he’ll be my luv…and always…like lifehouse song…i live my life for u……

  18. Wow, can’t believe you guys made a big deal of this for so long. If you noticed, JDG entered the show ALONE. He was on the red carpet alone. He arrived alone. This photo is of the two of them crossing a stage–did they present or receive an award together? That’s what it looks like. I can’t believe this as even discussed. If she had been his girlfriend, so you really think they would have exposed their relationship like this? You need t read between the lines. She looks uncomfortable. I saw this photo a while back and the first thing that struck me was that she looks uncomfortable. Never did it enter my mind that this was a romantic gesture. More than likely, she was incredbly nervous and he was helping her. I really believe it was nothing more than that. But it’s embarrasing to see what a big deal the fans made over nothing.

  19. You guys are so funny. JDG should be dating someone and starting a family at his age. I can understand where the jealous coming from… However, wish him luck. Yo… let’s cool down and have a fun holidays

  20. JDG always get rumored with different actresses. As a matter he was rumored to be secretly married to CJW which they both denied & found not to be true. Ofcourse, I won’t mind if they did because they looked great together in their drama Love/Sarang. Just like CJW had been rumored with all her leading men. Why don’t we just leave these actors alone. Rumors are not very nice & dangerous.

  21. hi i’m kadya from morocco i love so much jang dong gun i want to travel to korea to meet jang dong gun i’m so beautiful i’m a misse in heigh univesity in morocco i want to do a job with jang dong gun i love you so much.take care ok bye bye

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANG DONG GUN ! March 7 . I wish you’ll soon find the right girl for you. I saw his CNN interview and he said he’s still looking .

  23. So this Gun character is a real heartbreaker huh? Wow, would have never guessed that. I wonder if my wife has a secret crush as well!

  24. Well, DongGun-ssi is so good looking with very magnetic eyes. I just hope he gets to meet someone that would lOve and cherish him for always. He seems to be such a sweet person and he deserves someone like so. I just love this guy. AWESOME!!!
    Betchay, I just love your blog. Very informative. Go Girl! We Pinays are doing ok anywhere we are.

  25. hi, jang dong gun how are you doing ? i hope you are fine .you are a very good actor .you are the best actor .i like your drama series and movies , also your songs .i love you so much .good luck

  26. i hope the gossip about them is not true..i wish he will be a life partner to chae rim or some one else..but we cant force the love..am i right..

  27. jang dong gun, you must find your partner ASAP bcoz you are getting old day by day. hehe.other than that, you must stop the rumor that said you are a gay. go and discuss with chae rim about your relationship seriously.she is single right? she is the most suit partner for you.what are you waiting for??!!roll and action!!!

  28. Let us wish JDG happiness. I guess currently there is no one lick to him. The right one will come on the right time for everyone. Let us pray for God’s guidance.
    BTW, JDG is celebrating his birthday in Japan this 6th of March at Pacifico Hall. Wish I could be there. To those who can, enjoy yourselves and share the experience!! God bless us and JDG.

  29. Hopefully another movie, drama or what ever with Chae Rim after ALL ABOUT EVE. I’m really fall in love with him…

  30. if your wife is not Lee Young Ae,i’ll hate you forever !!!
    can’t believe that nobody knows Medical Brothers???

  31. Hi Jang Dong Gun,
    I wish to see settle down yourself with Chae Rim. She perfectly meant for you. Both of you are the most loveable couple in Korean Drama, All about Eve and hope to see both of you act together in future.

  32. is that true? when was that picture taken? huhuhu….. but what can we do? if they really meant for each other.. but, i want JDG
    to end up up with chae rim. she’s divorced! right? they look good together. they have chemistry. i fell in love with both of them in all about eve.. HOPE TO HAVE SEQUEL OF ALL ABOUT EVE.. don’t worry JDG, i still LOVE you a lot.. i’ll be your forever loyal fan till you get old…. muah! muah! muah!

    1. yess, I agree with maria speak
      you and chae rim is good couple
      hopefully they live together in the future
      I love jung dong gun and chae rim
      I hope ALL ABOUT EVE have a sequel

  33. Jang Dong Gun n Chae Rim…. I’ll always รขโ„ขยฅ u both !!!
    Peace !

  34. Is that true???
    Actually I don’t want to see him with any girl. But wish u’ll be always happy! I do love u!

  35. hi ive seen the interview for JDG this 2009 in a new show.that was the comeback interview after 6 years or 8 years.he’s really honest in his answer and he admits in his age and at the top of his career he felt the emptiness.when he hang out w/ his friends he wish he has a wife who could call her at around 2am.if somebody will call her during that time she would marry that girl.so u know guys we should be happy with him.even how successful we are we still feel the emptiness and looking for a company who would love us and accept and know the real we are not because of our status. I really admire JDG esp. in all about eve.i love everything about him the way he act.i’m hoping he could find the right girl after the two failure of his marriage or two seriously he dated before.he deserves to be happy.I love you JDG but I love u more if someone will love u real in the future.who will be devoted, love, faithful and loyal to you.mwah

  36. Hey guys. I’m a Korean. As I know, that was a kind of concept. So you guys don’t need to worry about that. There is nothing between them. At that time, they had to say someone who won in The Blue Dragon Award. So that’s why they held hands each other. Don’t worry. haha. It’s funny for me. It wasn’t issued in Korea. So I am surprised now.. haha

  37. hello jang dond gun
    i’m thai. i saw you in all about eve. i saw it many times. i like you so much. you’re smart , gentle and handsome. i will admire and follow your works. i would like you act with chare rim again. if it is possible. you’re suitable. when do you come to Thailand? i would like to see you. i’m sorry if my english isn’t good.

  38. i used to be one of your fans in adonis japan. fanclub.i saw u in nipon budokan on your birthday .i travelled to tokyo and had an accident on the way home. so i write u a letter hoping that u will answer back .and i waited 3 years and then now im back to reality ,that no letter is coming..well thats life and i thank u givivg me an inspiration….wishing you good health and happiness.sometimes think of responsing yo ur fans coz u have no idea how much it means to them…

    1. hi violeta! i think JDG is sooo busy and can you imagine how many fans write to him? i get about 30 emails a day and it usually takes me days to reply… imagine how it is like for a famous actor like JDG?

  39. hi jang dong gun,
    i’m one of your fans here in Philippines. when i heard that ur getting married this coming May i felt sad coz we’re still hoping that you and Chae Rim become the real couple. i hope someday you will reunites to a new show like in All About Eve. i love you both…

  40. please ! one drama wif chae rim again!all of us love to see u wif chae rim! jang dong gung and chae rim best couple on screen!

  41. please do another series w/ chae rim coz i really like both of you. you are one of the best couple i’ve seen.

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