It is Rose Day today… it’s one of those commercialized 14th day of the month events in Korea. I wouldn’t even remember it had I not logged on to a SMS website here. On this day, lovers are supposed to give each other roses. I’m not really a fan fan of roses, although I love seeing them in bloom. Aside from its beauty, roses are revered for its therapeutic and health benefits. It is specially good as skincare, and even as natural acne treatment.
If rosis a natural acne treatment, I need that then lol!
manilenyas last blog post..Stop Insanity!
Does this apply to both men and women? Or only guys have to give to women?
Hope you had a happy Rose Day!
I bought a rose for a very special girl that day, and I gave it to her anonymously. I can tell you that these roses are worth their price (and I’m not a flower-seller 🙂 ).
Happy “belated” Rose day everyone 🙂
Acnezines last blog post..Skin types
thank you. When you feel beautiful, you are happy and relaxed. Your good mood improves your blood circulation and perks up your physique.
Melishkas last blog post..Making Finding Your Kid’s Next Hairstyle Easy
so in korea every 14th of the month is a celebration! i think that is brilliant. you can never have too many holidays.
arts last blog post..Rosie Holmes