Importance of Car Seats

Last year, 6,166 people died in 211,662 traffic accidents in Korea (source: Chosun Ilbo). Korea ranked 27th out of 29 OECD countries when it comes to traffic fatalities in 2007. This is one of the reasons why I always insist on using a car seat for my son wherever we go. There is a law on the use of car seats here but you’d still see babies and kids seating on their parent’s lap in cars.
[singlepic=626,250,250,left]For my baby shower, my friends here contributed to buy an infant car seat that could also be used as a carrier. When we traveled to the US in Nov 2006, my brother bought us a Graco Snug Ride which is a really good infant car seat model. It is roomier than the other one we used and also doubles as a carrier.
Since my son is now two years old, he’s now in a >convertible car seat that he could use until he’s 4. I’d have to admit that my son cried a lot in his car seat when he was a baby. However, I really insisted that he should be in it whenever we travel.
Have a child? Make sure you use a car seat for them.


  1. My solution: public transportation! lol
    All kidding aside, my nephew actually makes a point to sit there like it is a throne, haha.
    btw, my sister showed him Cars yesterday! Was glued to the TV and wouldn’t sleep, haha.

  2. your son looks so cute! i’m very excited to buy things for my baby but my mom advised me not to buy anything (she said it’s unlucky) until i reach my 7th month of pregnancy.
    chers last blog post..4months preggy

  3. @AzureWolf >> you should’ve warned your sister about Cars… my son now prefers Toy Story… he just watches Cars once a day
    @cher >> we didn’t buy anything for our son until he was born… he was a surprise… everyone thought we’re gonna have a girl… i haven’t bought a single shirt for him, he wears hand-me-downs from his cousins…

  4. Very handsome young man. We researched our car seat purchases for safety as well as comfort. Our son loves riding in his seat.

  5. I’v always considered car seats common sense, just like seat belts. It makes my blood boil when I see cars with kids no in a car seat, makes me want to jump out and smack the parents.

  6. I have just moved to Ulsan to work. Been checking around for car seats for my daughter almost 4 and my son 14 month. The price is ridiculous averaging about $250-350 Canadian. Any suggestion where I can find a place or web site that sell “reasonable” price car seats?
    Thank you for any assistance that you can offer.

  7. The cheapest place would be Gmarket. We bought one for 100,000W. There’s also the garage sales on the US army bases. We bought a bigger one (for when our son gets bigger) for about 20,000W.

  8. The safety of the Baby and our kinds are the most important sice they are also precious us so for me..I’d rather spend a thousand of dollers to buy these kind of things to secure their safety. Good thing I now got one.

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