Christmas in Seoul

Merry Christmas to all of you guys!
This is my third Christmas in Korea yet it is as meaningful and as joyful as the ones I had when I was in the Philippines. Pinoys abroad always lament that holidays abroad is so different from what we have back home. That is so true but then there’s no reason why it couldn’t be as meaningful or joyful.
My husband and I have different religions and cultural backgrounds. He is Buddhist while I’m a baptized Catholic. We always celebrate Christmas in the Philippines no matter how hard the times are. I know of some people who would even borrow money just so they could buy gifts, new clothes, and food for the holidays.
When I was young, I’m always excited with Christmas because of the new clothes, shoes, gifts and of course – no classes! Things changed when I became a college student. That year we survived the historical volcanic explosion that is of Mt. Pinatubo. From then on, I remember having a more meaningful Christmas celebration every year.
Now that I’m here in South Korea, where Christmas is not celebrated as excitingly as in the Philippines, I don’t really miss the new shoes, clothes, Christmas decorations or the atmosphere that much. My husband had been asking me for the past 5 years to set-up holiday decorations at home, but I don’t really need them to remind me of the holidays. I don’t even need to listen to Christmas songs in December (well, you can hear Christmas carols from time to time any time of the year in Korea!)
My friends and I would also have our mini-Christmas parties. Although we won’t have any this year since they’re all in the Philippines. Apparently, I’m one of the few staying in Korea for the holidays.
I know that today is Christmas eve and I’m excited to celebrate it with my family. And the gifts? I got my husband a portable DMB player and a Thomas & Friends set for my son. I would’ve chosen any of the Victorinox Swiss Army watches if I could get them. Next time…


  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS ate… yap, you’re right. somehow, my family here is doing their best to also adapt to “my” Christmas.. hehe… for this Christmas eve, we just have a simple preparation but we will go tomorrow to my brother-in-law’s house for a barbeque party. my mom-in-law requested i cook chopsuey (my style) for tomorrow too, she likes it very much, haha! i also made a fruit salad… (my first time, but not bad coz they like it, kkk)…
    Merry Christmas ulit ate….
    jehans last blog post..Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

  2. MERRY CHRISTMAS ate… yap, you’re right. somehow, my family here is doing their best to also adapt to “my” Christmas.. hehe… for this Christmas eve, we just have a simple preparation but we will go tomorrow to my brother-in-law’s house for a barbeque party. my mom-in-law requested i cook chopsuey (my style) for tomorrow too, she likes it very much, haha! i also made a fruit salad… (my first time, but not bad coz they like it, kkk)…
    Merry Christmas ulit ate….
    jehans last blog post..Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

  3. betchay… merry christmas to you and your family. may peace and good health be the gift you receive this holiday season and the whole year through. God Bless! hugs & kisses

  4. Merry christmas to you!
    this is indeed a very interesting read about life in a foreign country. i am a curriculum developer for English. can i have your permission to feature this blog entry in one of my english books?
    please let me know. u can email me at i’m jeremy.

  5. First of, Merry Christmas to you & yours! I enjoyed reading your article — it’s quite interesting to hear a kababayan living in Korea. My enthusiasm of Korea and its culture stemmed from watching Korean dramas since last year! Since I’ve been introduced to Kdramas & the gorgeous actors I find myself disinterested in American dramas or movies anymore! I was just wondering if the Korean men like in the kdramas are just as respectful of the women as seen in dramas?
    Thanks for sharing your experience of Christmas in another part of Asia.

  6. I really miss the Filipino Christmas, with all the noise and lights and the buggers that are the carolers.
    I will be celebrating my fourth Christmas with family here in the US (should be sixth but I celebrated once in New York all by myself and once in Kuwait when I got stuck due to some travel delays) and there’s nothing as meaningful as celebrating it with the ones that you really really love.

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