Who won the CD?

If you remember last week, I offered to send a free CD of the “Boys Over Flowers” OST. I used random.org to choose the winner.
1. I wrote a list of numbers from 1 to 33 corresponding to the comments received by that post.
2. I proceeded to randomize ONCE.
3. The top number is the winner.
4. And that number is seven!
The CD belongs to whoever wrote the seventh comment. I’ll send the CD as soon as I get your address 🙂


  1. Congrats to the winner! 🙂 It’s a good CD [I don’t have one but thanks to Dramabeans]. Nyahaha Surprisingly,it has good line up of songs.
    edens last blog post..Chocolate

  2. Hi. I really read your posts everyday. And I wait for your updates. Too sad you’re not replying to my emails. :((

  3. I was fun of “Boys Over Flowers” during my work as front desk in a resort. We are having argument with my supervisor because she don’t want that their is a television in my office because she can notice that I always watch that telenovela. I am so disappointed with her because even the simple things, she want it as complicated.

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