Lee Dong Gun dating?

Awww… it is reported on several Korean online news that Lee Dong Gun is back on the dating scene. With whom? Someone I haven’t heard of before. Her name is Cha Ye Ryeon and she was in the Choi Ji Woo starrer “Star Lover”, shown on SBS early this year.
The two met last fall and has apparently been dating for three months now. I really like the onscreen and offscreen tandem of Lee Dong Gun and Han Ji Hye. They were a couple for a long time and everyone thought that they’d end up together. Han Ji Hye was by Lee Dong Gun’s side when the latter’s brother was killed in Australia. At least they’re good friends.
Lee Dong Gun is 29 years old and it’s just right for him to start dating. Cha Ye Ryeon is 24 years old. Lucky girl! 😀


  1. i read this on hancinema as well. confirmed daw they are already a couple. thats good for both of them. i guess lee dong-gun’s been single for a while now, diba?

  2. IVe read somewhere that the girl is half Filipina. Although I’ve always been hoping that LDG and HJH would get back together again since they were the cutest couple ever I guess its too much to hope for now..I just wish Han Ji Hye would find her love soon.

  3. Though they may not be together,I am still hoping that HJH and LDG would still make movies/drama series together. Many fans are looking forward to it…

  4. There are rumors that she has someone new. Hopefully, they are not together. I love Lee Dong Gun too much to give him to her.

  5. I don’t like her being together with LDG. I’d love to see LDG with HJH . i love both of them. i thought they both will marry one day. I hate the third person.

  6. من واقعاٌ عاشقتم لی دونگ گان عاشششششششششششششششششششششششششششقتم

  7. hi lee dong gun , i wish see your successfull in every thing. I’m working to success magazin in iran.

  8. Hi Lee Dong Gun i know you dnt have time but still then if you come acroos my message anytime pls know it i really really like you very much and i want to meet you once in this lifetime.

  9. sometimes i think that he is just for me but thats imposibell.
    so I’m happy if he is.everyone says that i love this actor or… but do they really wait for having that person?!!!! I know 1% i will see him but naw he dosent know me so till then he’ ll get maried!!:'(but I will wait.

  10. မဂၤလာပါ LEE DONG GUN ကၽြန္မက ရွင့္ ပရိတ္သက္ပါ
    ရွင့္ကို အျမဲအားေပးေနပါတယ္ ဒီထက္မက ေအာင္ျမင္မႈေတြရရိွပါေစ

  11. It is pretty clear that LDG broke off the relationship with HJH and not the other way around. No chance they will get back together. Once the love and chemistry fades it is almost impossible to get it back especially if there are others waiting to fill the void with such a good looking and very talented actor like LDG. Of course the truth could be the opposite, but I doubt it. She got old and he lost interest. IMHO.

  12. hayyy i’m still sad for hjh and ldg up until now for their break up.. everytime i watch my bf is type b, i still want them to go back to each other.. but ji hye is married..so sad..:(

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