For real or ala-"The Onion"?

Chip Tsao, a Hongkong-based author and columnist, is getting a lot of nasty comments for a “nasty” article he wrote for HK-Magazine. He talked about the Philippines as a “nation of servants that shouldn’t flex its muscles at its master” in “The War At Home” in reference to the Philippines’ congress “threat to defend the (Spratly) islands from China.” He also wrote that he wouldn’t sponsor an “enemy of the state” by paying his maid to wash his toilet and clean his windows 16 hours a day.
I remember when “the Yangpa” wrote something about “Lee Jun Ki declares Philippines to be moron-filled shithole”. The Yangpa (yangpa is Korean for onion) had to delete the article when he found out it wasn’t as satirical as he intended it to be.
If I were a satirical writer, the Filipinos and Koreans would be two of my favorite subjects. Wanna read Mr. Tsao’s “The War At Home”? Not for the onion-skinned though.


  1. This article is racially discriminatory. A racial slur. This type of derogatory remark is degrading and an insult to Filipinos. It is not humurous. It is unjust and belittles the capability of a Filipino. The presence of some of the Filipinos helps their economy because of their services. How can you survive without their services. Why are you interested about the services of the Filipinos? What about those individuals who are professionals and executives who works there?
    This type of a very insulting and degrading article should not be allowed. Such statement is racist. The article isn’t funny but offensive.
    In other countries, they celebrate bad statements/news because it gives them chance to change. BUT NOT FOR FILIPINOS.

  2. Chinese nationals like Chip Tsao are one of the many reasons China suffers from earthquake disasters. I hope he gets the Karma he really deserves.

    1. hey nikki, i think that comment is too much. I’m a filipino and believe me, I am outraged by his comment but his mistake doesn’t warrant any of us to wish a disaster to happen to anyone (be it chinese), let us not sink to his level, we are not a nation of servants, we are a country of cultured and educated people who knows Mr. Tsao is definitely not worth it. Anyways let us wish that he sees his faults and realize that he is a self-righteous, ignorant ass. LOL

  3. I think the article had been removed from the website due to the comments? I had to read the article twice before I even posted it on my blog.
    I thought the article was more about his feelings toward the Chinese government and how Filipino maids are treated by his own countrymen.
    I think what he was trying to say in the first paragraph is that China didn’t raise a big issue out of a Russian warship sinking a Hongkong freighter whereas they’re trying make a big spectacle out of the Philippine congress’ ratification (?) of the baselines bill.
    He also mentioned that the Filipino maids are being paid cheaply and yet they’re made to work for 16 hours.
    When he said that “With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.” I thought he was really being funny. As if we could have a navy that could invade China! I don’t think Mr. Tsao doesn’t know that.
    When he wrote that “Their maids have been made to shout “China, Madam/Sir” loudly whenever they hear the word “Spratly.” They say the indoctrination is working as wonderfully as when we used to shout, “Long live Chairman Mao!” at the sight of a portrait of our Great Leader during the Cultural Revolution.” I thought that what he was trying to say is that it’s ironic that they’re (Hongkong employers) trying to act the way the communist leaders did before.

    1. hi betchay. i’m a pinay american lass who is interested to see the entire column of mr tsao. i want to see it with my own eyes before i make any comments. please email the entire article (please please please?) or let me visit your blogspot. here’s my email add thank you so much for this big favor. 🙂

      1. hi hailey! here’s the text
        The War At Home
        March 27th, 2009
        The Russians sank a Hong Kong freighter last month, killing the seven Chinese seamen on board. We can live with that—Lenin and Stalin were once the ideological mentors of all Chinese people. The Japanese planted a flag on Diàoyú Island. That’s no big problem—we Hong Kong Chinese love Japanese cartoons, Hello Kitty, and shopping in Shinjuku, let alone our round-the-clock obsession with karaoke.
        But hold on—even the Filipinos? Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands, complete with a blatant threat from its congress to send gunboats to the South China Sea to defend the islands from China if necessary. This is beyond reproach. The reason: there are more than 130,000 Filipina maids working as $3,580-a-month cheap labor in Hong Kong. As a nation of servants, you don’t flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.
        As a patriotic Chinese man, the news has made my blood boil. I summoned Louisa, my domestic assistant who holds a degree in international politics from the University of Manila, hung a map on the wall, and gave her a harsh lecture. I sternly warned her that if she wants her wages increased next year, she had better tell every one of her compatriots in Statue Square on Sunday that the entirety of the Spratly Islands belongs to China.
        Grimly, I told her that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, I would have to end her employment and send her straight home, because I would not risk the crime of treason for sponsoring an enemy of the state by paying her to wash my toilet and clean my windows 16 hours a day. With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.
        Oh yes. The government of the Philippines would certainly be wrong if they think we Chinese are prepared to swallow their insult and sit back and lose a Falkland Islands War in the Far East. They may have Barack Obama and the hawkish American military behind them, but we have a hostage in each of our homes in the Mid-Levels or higher. Some of my friends told me they have already declared a state of emergency at home. Their maids have been made to shout “China, Madam/Sir” loudly whenever they hear the word “Spratly.” They say the indoctrination is working as wonderfully as when we used to shout, “Long live Chairman Mao!” at the sight of a portrait of our Great Leader during the Cultural Revolution. I’m not sure if that’s going a bit too far, at least for the time being.
        Chip Tsao is a best-selling author and columnist. A former reporter for the BBC, his columns have also appeared in Apple Daily, Next Magazine and CUP Magazine, among others.

  4. Pathetic.
    That’s what i thought when i first read it.Nihawma ( Ni Hao Ma?) was right, why did Tsao request for a Filipina maid in the first place?
    If he has issues with Filipinos, why employ one in his own roof?
    As if that Filipina holds the key for the final settlement of the Spratly’s issue.
    It’s beyond me to ever try to comprehend what line of thinking Tsao has.
    “Nation of servants, ei?”
    Gosh we Filipinos taught u how to be hygienic!
    I once worked in Hongkong, not as a servant, mind you.
    they are not fans of “shower” or “taking a bath”.
    Need not elaborate.
    Sus, kabaho gid ya!
    Samad pa ngipon nila, wala pa gabunot buhok sa kilikili.
    Unlike Filipinos who’ll never get out of the house without taking a shower.
    Clean up ur act first Chip!

  5. @ drei
    Im with you dude. Nice point
    @ Betchay
    thats actually the reason why i said “im not over reacting”. Most people actually fails to realize what could have been the actual purpose or message of the article. Its sad, unfortunate but true, that most of his claims at least for hong kong is true.
    For discussions sake, lets assume that what he wrote is not a satire, then whats the point of bashing him, criticizing him etc? We can throw all the words at him, and he wont even care. It was written in an HK newspaper, and was intended for HK residents. IF it was written and addressed directly at Filipinos then its a different story.
    My take too is that its just a satire.

  6. all he wrote in his article is not worth living..
    -”Manila has just claimed sovereignty over the scattered rocks in the South China Sea called the Spratly Islands, complete with a blatant threat from its congress to send gunboats to the South China Sea to defend the islands from China if necessary.”
    -first is that we are not claiming sovereignty over this island because it is ours. you look for the recent maps of the philippines and you will see there and are not threatening china, we are just trying to protect what is ours.
    -”The reason: there are more than 130,000 Filipina maids working as $3,580-a-month cheap labor in Hong Kong. As a nation of servants, you don’t flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.”
    -in fact this is not the reason why we are trying to get the islands. its a fallacy of false cause and false analogy and a good and a multi-awarding columnist know this. and besides this is not a cheap labor as you said. yes its true, we are nation of servants but a good servants to our bad masters. yes, its true that we are earning our butter and bread to our master but as a nations of bad masters, you dont flex your muscles at your good servants from whom you earn most of your good service. without them, you have no service.
    -”As a patriotic Chinese man, the news has made my blood boil. I summoned Louisa, my domestic assistant who holds a degree in international politics from the University of Manila, hung a map on the wall, and gave her a harsh lecture. I sternly warned her that if she wants her wages increased next year, she had better tell every one of her compatriots in Statue Square on Sunday that the entirety of the Spratly Islands belongs to China.”
    -you are not a patriotic Chinese man anymore because you are trying to down your country. because of what you have writtenm the whole world now thinks that you chinese are very arrogant and very prejudice against other countries. SO who is more intelligent, you who is a best writer but a low personality or your domestic assistant but holds a degree in internat’l politics from one of the prestigious university of the philippines and with a good personality that offers a good service to his bad master?. No need to warn her because Filipinos not only wants money..they also want a respect from other people like their masters and as i have said earlier, Spratly does not belong to China. you are the one who is claiming it.
    -”Grimly, I told her that if war breaks out between the Philippines and China, I would have to end her employment and send her straight home, because I would not risk the crime of treason for sponsoring an enemy of the state by paying her to wash my toilet and clean my windows 16 hours a day. With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings.”
    -ok, if they want war, we Filipinos are not running for them. we are brave not like you, you are back fighting philippines by writing an articles that is so rude and not true about the philippines. Why not end their employment and we will see who will suffer most, as i have said Filipinos can live without money but with a high self reliance and self respect. Unlike you chinese…Again your judgment to the Filipinos are Fallacies. How can you say that it will happen to the employment of Filipinos in your country?..
    -”Oh yes. The government of the Philippines would certainly be wrong if they think we Chinese are prepared to swallow their insult and sit back and lose a Falkland Islands War in the Far East. They may have Barack Obama and the hawkish American military behind them, but we have a hostage in each of our homes in the Mid-Levels or higher. Some of my friends told me they have already declared a state of emergency at home. Their maids have been made to shout “China, Madam/Sir” loudly whenever they hear the word “Spratly.” They say the indoctrination is working as wonderfully as when we used to shout, “Long live Chairman Mao!” at the sight of a portrait of our Great Leader during the Cultural Revolution. I’m not sure if that’s going a bit too far, at least for the time being. ”
    -oh correction. you are certainly wrong. We are the one who are prepared for your very insulting judgment to us Filipinos. And Barack Obama is not the reason why we are fighting for justice, its because we know what we are doing, we know what is right. So your true color came now..You are telling that they are hostages?, so you are telling also that chinese are kidnappers? you are teliing that chinese are very injustice because of what you are doing in your maids?….

  7. This kind of article should be condemn. I beleive in satirical writing but not as a nation of servants. Satirical writing can be read in different ways BUT not in this particular article.
    Chip Tsao should be declared as a persona non grata because of that very damaging insulting article. He can just simply criticized certain policy but not the Philippines as a whole. As a whole because Chip Tsao was pertaining to the Filipinos. Please take note that some of the local business as well as multi-national companies are being manage by Filipino nationals who are based in Hongkong. Filipinos make an important contribution to their society. Their contribution is undeniable.
    It is not understandable if he is just one person and not as a government. But as a writer or journalist, Chip Tsao should know what’s the meaning of responsible journalism.

    1. @matriarch – i agree… the government should act on it so that no highly-educated Louisa would need to work in Hong Kong as a domestic helper…

  8. please dont get our government involved in this. Thats too much of an overreaction. This is nothing but an exercise of free speech, agree or disagree with it. Finish. This has nothing to do with each and everyone of us. One HK/Chinese author’s opinion is nothing but a plain opinion. This was written as a column (which means subject to personal opinion) and not as a NEWS headline (which is of course based on facts).

    1. too late… dami na nakisawsaw
      IMO, if we’re going to protest every negative opinion written about us, it might take us eternity and we will only prove them right.

  9. from a News article from home:
    “””Asia City Publishing, publisher of HK Magazine, apologized yesterday for Tsao’s “politically incorrect” commentary and admitted that Filipinos have been “unfairly” treated in Hong Kong despite their contributions to society.
    Libanan, however, stressed that Tsao himself should personally announce a public apology, reports added. “””
    for me, this is also a wake up call for the government to help in providing career opportunities for our country. just by mentioning that he has a highly educated domestic helper made me somehow think of brain drain although not all our kababayans leave the country because of a more promising career but also for a more promising compensation…

  10. Chip Tsao, though my heart is bursting with anger and my mind bothered with your truly MORONIC sentiments, I chose not to bother with your stupidity. I believe not all Chinese people are imbeciles like you and I have made friends with them. I cannot comprehend how you came to be called a professional. You’re a big, fat, slant-eyed BIGOT. How would you like your people to be referred to as the “Sick men of Asia” again? You better watch your mouth. And pleeease, get your a** up and conduct some more research to inject some “substance” in your articles. Your works are as null as your soul. Your skills are nothing compared to that of our professionals. Here, your arrogance will be reduced to a miserable pile of nothingness…The reason why your thoughts are like that is because your country is very hungry for worldwide recognition after waking up from a coma. Our country may be exporting professionals and, yes, even domestic helpers, but that is because we posses the skills your people cannot meet in your nation. It’s either that or your people are simply too proud to clean up their own mess..You may not be a Christian but our GOD, the God of David, the one true GOD who is looking over our country will show that He is the God of justice. Better watch your mouth and your heart, someday, you may live too see your country’s devastation (In case someone hasn’t assassinated you that time yet).
    Sa mga Pilipino, stay humble. Manalig tayo sa Diyos. Siya na mismo ang nagsabi na ang mapagkumbaba ay kanyang itataas. itong mga taong ito, akala nila nasa tugatog sila ng mundo. Dahil sa kasakiman at kapalaluan nila clouded na ang isip nila.

    1. Honestly, though, I don’t think you should involve God here. You have your beliefs, Chinese people have theirs. Leave it at that. And Chip Tsao is just ONE person, you also might not want to involve the whole Chinese population here. I don’t think it shows humility, to be perfectly honest. But that’s just me.

  11. oh well, maybe this guy is far-sighted or intoxicated while writing it…but that’s his (crooked) opinion…anyway, it doesnt matter whether Juan has a lowly job as long as he is doing it right and he’s earning every centavo decently…being a janitor or a maid doesn’t make one less human..this only matters to egotistical people…can we really lay claim on things here on earth??^^…and im sure an issue like this will still sprout out any time because there are still many “Chip(s) off the old block”(pun intended!)…

  12. Working as helpers and maids abroad might be’decent jobs’ that pay the bills but we can do better. I agree that the government should provide Filipinos with opportunities (and better paying jobs!). It is really sad that a lot of educated Filipinos go abroad to work as domestic helpers.

  13. Nation of servants ??
    CHIP TSAO should know that the job of the househelpers requires devotion, lots of patience, hard work and dedication. That is why people work abroad for greener pastures. Are they paid properly? In most cases they are underpaid and abused. And yet they still continue to do their job to support their own family. Most of them (sad to say) just swallow their pride. Take note Chip Tsao that most of them has a good educational attainment.
    Chip Tsao doen not have one of the most important character traits. RESPECT.. to human beings. Lots of respect should be given to them. People should come to realize the value of their work as well as their worth.
    Chip Tsao does not have the morale values and was not raised properly. In short, Chip Tsao has a wrong upbringing.

  14. I wonder if Cheap Kao received the same education as many dh had… I mean a lot of dh are professionals it’s just so happen that they had to make a career change for the future of the family. They have such low standards for journalists and I think Cheap Kao should work in a tabloid.. I don’t see any problem w/ Chinese coz many of my friends are Chinese & my Grandma is half Chinese but Cheap Kao and others like him are stupid, narrow-minded, self-absorbed freaks…
    Minnies last blog post..eggs & tuna prevents brain from shrinking…

  15. @ Betch
    “IMO, if we’re going to protest every negative opinion written about us, it might take us eternity and we will only prove them right.”
    – Perfect. 100% agree, thats exactly my point. And yeah i was dismayed to find that so many politicians are using the issue for publicity purposes (nakisawsaw). Im sick and tired of that.
    and (i know many will react to this) of course I disagree with the term we are a “nation of servants”, definitely thats not true. But imho, we are a nation of over sensitive people, very emotional which is oftentimes a big disadvantage for all of us. The case of the racial slur in the sitcom “Desperate Housewives”, and this case is an example of this over sensitivity. We have to be rational. If the comment is not true, whats the point of reaction? Are we guilty? The best way to counter this is another article from a big news magazine in the Philippines, written by a professional. To be honest, i dont care about China..its the same poor country as ours, only that they are more influential with a very rich history and tradition. Im not impressed with their people as well as their achievements. In short its not worth it. The End.
    This is a single article, from an individual (and does not represent the opinion of the Chinese Govt and the Chinese people) and the response of most pinoys is overwhelming, to the point of staging a protest? Thats too much.
    reading some posts above, i find most of them irrational. You dont counter a false argument with another false unsubstantiated one. The case of the Spratly Islands is an international case (subject to international laws), there are so many things to look at and not only because it can be seen in our map. Im a filipino, and ill be very happy to have the Philippine’s claim to some parts of the Spratlys come to a reality, but if its not ours i have to let it go.
    And if they want war, we are not running from them? Oh my. One of the big reasons why we lost the War with Spain and Anerica is because of this Bonifacio’s mentality, rather than the subtle and diplomatic Rizal style.
    Also we cannot brag about pulling out these Filipinos in HK and see what will happen to HK without the services of our hard working compatriots. Because in reality, China/HK will not even care, our OFWs as well as their families will succumb to hunger and financial difficulty etc. There are so many poor asian nations willing to take our place there, with a much lower salary. So unless the government will have a plan for them, then they should stay there.
    And for some dont mention about your religious convictions while at the same time having thoughts of assassination, china’s demise (instead of praying against it), convey curse words etc… Thats quite disturbing.

    1. Although I agree with most of your comment, I also agree with why people of Phillipines should be insulted by his column even though I’m not Phillipino.

  16. Oh, I thought I’d be able to keep mum about this issue. I actually just read the article and his choice of words are very infuriating. Calling the Philippines a nation of servants is unacceptable. Domesticating the workers there, just so they’d (employers) have the workers be support a country which isn’t their own, is beyond dense. I’m not going any further, because I’m not sure what my 17-year old mind-mouth tandem is capable of.

  17. It being a satire does not dissociate it from being racial, not even one bit. The writer was a jerk. The article was cheap. I saw no purpose or substance in it whatsoever.
    Elliots last blog post..Around Namsan Park

  18. were not a nation of servant…. were just be practical, we low down are pride sometimes for our family… maybe you don’t even had a family who will love you like we do always… its a matter of choice and by our love to our family so that many of filipino or filipina work as maid but try them in many way you will shock by their creativitiy and their love to do the job well….

  19. Ngayon ko lang nabasa ang ibang comments dito. Eto masasabi ko: Hindi man tayo ma-stir into collective action, pero kung Pilipno tayo, at least ma-stir naman kahit emotionally at masudot ang sense of nationalism natin.
    If anyone’s taking this article as a satire, you’re terribly mistaken. This is far from satire: “As a nation of servants, you don’t flex your muscles at your master, from whom you earn most of your bread and butter.” Syntactically and content-wise, it isn’t definitely. It takes only a single white crow to prove that crows aren’t all black. Tsao’s whole article is an insult.
    Another thing: Dun sa ‘apology’ niya, Tsao said na “servants of God” naman daw lahat tayo. Ayon ang defense niya sa use ng word “servant”. Ngunit pagisipan: Si God, iba sa China. Kapaglingkod-lingkod ba ang Tsina? Ganon ba ito kamakapangyarihan at mapaglingap sa mga Pilipino para maging “tagapagsilbi” nito? Implikason: Kung di niya kayang baligtarin ang paggamit niya ng salitang “servant”, insulto nga ang artikulo niya.
    Para sa lahat: Ayoko ng ganitong pakiramdam mula kaninoman: “Ay ako alam ko ‘to kaya I won’t feel ganito. Kayo hindi nyo alam kaya kayo ganyan magreact.” Sana wag naman nating ipagkaiba ang sarili natin sa pangkaraniwang tao di ba? Hindi mangmang ang masa.
    Elliots last blog post..Around Namsan Park

  20. Other than the OP (partially), i think im the only one (im not sure) who commented regarding the alternative meaning to this article. Whats wrong with that? None. Does that mean we are departing ourselves with the rest? Depends on who will you ask.
    To make it fair, only a professional journalist/author can actually say whether this is a satire or not. Otherwise, all are just guesses including mine. The truth is you wont be able to judge this article in an objective way if your thoughts is tainted with emotional bias. I tried to be objective as possible so thats my opinion, it is different with others but then so what?. Satire or not, It doesnt matter, its not even the issue. I dont believe in this article and the author has its own intentions why he wrote it. If he intends to insult the entire nation and everyone is showing their overreaction, then he surely succeeded with his objective.
    Like others, im proud of my nation, and no one can question it. We have different ways of showing nationalism other than broadcasting hatred on line or trying to win the compassion of the masses. But if that makes everyone feel good, then so be it.

  21. Haaiiiiist! Enough of Cheap Chow already my fellow filipinos. He Obviously doesnt need this much attention. Not that what he wrote should not be taken seriously! Everybody in here is right in their own respective points of view. I just hope some of us has a deeper understanding that its only normal, and i believe an appropriate reaction to be outraged, and say horrible things we sometimes dont wanna say. My say on this matter is that, “cheap” probably had a melamine for breakfast before he wrote the article that day, same goes for the editor-in-chief, the head of circulation dept., and the whole publishing staff as well. A simple case of “stupidity leak”.
    More power to our people, local and abroad!!!!
    P.S. Its gonna be my birthday on the 24th of april. Greet nyo naman ako. HEHEHE!

  22. You, OP, and Ms. Betch, and [insert]. Of course there’s nothing wrong with that [your 1st comment]. As I’ve said: Ayo’ko’ = ‘I’ don’t like. And that’s only me. Actually, I wasn’t thinking about arvinsign when I wrote my previous comment. If ever I made a dent on you, that’s unintentional–a pure ricochet of your objectively repressed subjectivism, perhaps? Read other blogs and see why I had to write that “ayoko” part. You didn’t overreact. That’s good. I, too, didn’t stage up a protest. I’m really wondering why there’s a need to be defensive.
    Though I’m not a professional journalist, I believe I have a say on publication entries considering my background. I am not making a guess; I am asserting an informed judgment that this indeed tends to be more insulting than satirical. If you want someone professional for his/her take, go to UP College of Arts and Letters and hear what the professors have to say.
    And If you keep on appealing to this line: “only a professional whoever can fairly do this and that”, then you’re barring yourself from even making opinions-objective or otherwise-on any topic where you don’t have an MS/MA in.
    Elliots last blog post..Around Namsan Park

  23. “I’m really wondering why there’s a need to be defensive.”
    — You know the answer to this. Just be yourself
    “Though I’m not a professional journalist, I believe I have a say on publication entries considering my background”
    — Ok i respect that, and as you said its your belief. But to be honest, I dont care whatever background that is. I heard that thing so many times. You have the right to express what you want, as well as everybody else. Im enjoying that right too (irregardless of my background). I want to stay anonymous so there’s no point of revealing what background i have no matter what it is.
    “”If you want someone professional for his/her take, go to UP College of Arts and Letters and hear what the professors have to say.””
    — And the point is? Why do you have to mention that? Everybody knows that its not even necessary. I dont see the point unless you want to imply something.
    “And If you keep on appealing to this line: “only a professional whoever can fairly do this and that”, then you’re barring yourself from even making opinions-objective or otherwise-on any topic where you don’t have an MS/MA in.”
    — You nailed it. I made that point to emphasize that to get a balanced assessment whether this article is satire or not (since all of us have different opinions) then its the professional who will have the say on it. Did i mentioned that everyone is wrong because its just a satire? NO. I said my take is just its a satire (its my opinion). I even mentioned that satire or not, blah blah blah. Now did you mentioned that whoever said that its satire then they are wrong? YES you did. You said “terribly mistaken” to be exact. Its your opinion, and i have to respect it.
    Did i actually wrote that thing? This is too much of an interpretation for a very simple statement. Please dont distort the words.
    Btw , this is not rocket science so anyone can write his/her comments. Everyone is equal irregardless of background.
    And again Elliot or APO or whatever, for the nth time, i will really appreciate if you will just focus on the comments (topic) i made (you can post your objections freely), rather than on me as a person. If you feel offended with my way of writing, then i apologize to you and to anyone else, you are not alone. This is one of the realities of posting comments online. Being too emotional and sensitive is a no-no. This is not personal, we are just having a conversation.
    If you want to discuss more, it will be better if we will just focus on Cheap Tsao’s article.

  24. uuhhhhmmmm!
    no one’s trying to be defensive and no one’s appealing. We are merely sharing our opinions on the matter. If you dont agree wd what some people say, then dont. And it doesnt take a professional to speak one’s opinion. Your entitled to share your insights, so are other people. Loosen up a bit!:) thnx

  25. @arvinsign
    thats exactly what i was trying to tell him! people can sometimes be so stubborn and a smartass. TSK!TSK!

  26. @AS
    “Elliot or APO”
    -I don’t know what you’re talking about.
    -I believe that there is no ad hominem in my post. Mine is not just for the onions, and especially not for those who try to secure a self-ingratiating, self-indulgent position in any one’s blog.
    -You always hide in the barracks of respect for opinions. But whenever someone reacts to that which you have not scaffolded in your post, you respond as if you’re always being challenged. How do you define “respect for opinion”? Respect of your opinion? As I’ve pointed out, it is but my opinion that whoever didn’t feel Tsao’s fangs scathing the Philippines as a nation should have his/her patriotism checked. What if I write something about your mom with words of Tsao’s satire? Would you still respect his opinion and move on as if nothing has been said? The least thing you could do is to feel irked, and then calm down. Yeah, that’s respect for opinion [of someone unworthy of attention perhaps]. I am not forcing everyone to feel the same. But at least, do not act as if freedom of speech absolves anyone from throwing insults bordering on satire, especially at your mom, or worse, towards your nation.
    “If you dont agree wd what some people say, then dont. And it doesnt take a professional to speak one’s opinion. Your entitled to share your insights, so are other people.”
    -Of course. What’s your point?
    “thats exactly what i was trying to tell him! people can sometimes be so stubborn and a smartass. TSK!TSK!”
    -Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think? tsk.
    Elliots last blog post..A Switch that could Change the World

  27. @ E
    — If you want conversation, lets have it in a mature way. I know for a fact that you dont like my arrogant, “know-it-all” tone, since its obvious in every response that you make (at least for every comment that i post) are not alone. So move on, it doesnt affect me and you can spend the rest of your life feeling bad about it if u want.
    As far as i know, im just trying to voice out a personal opinion, playing a devil’s advocate which i believe is a fair one. ad hominem? Read again all your posts.
    — Im just asking that you set aside our personalities and instead focus on the subject. That means i dont care about you as a person and vice versa. Post an argument regarding this article as opposed to my views then we start from there.
    “”What if I write something about your mom with words of Tsao’s satire? Would you still respect his opinion and move on as if nothing has been said?””
    — Irrelevant. If you want to give an analogy, then use an analogy in the same proportion as the article above. The article above constitutes an issue that is a probable flash point for a war (China’s expansionism in the South China Sea). Why will you write on something that has nothing to do with you personally? So now you get the point.
    “”I am not forcing everyone to feel the same. But at least, do not act as if freedom of speech absolves anyone from throwing insults bordering on satire, especially at your mom, or worse, towards your nation.””
    — Well (unfortunately), i value freedom of speech if written by an individual as his/her personal take. If this article was the official position of the Chinese Govt, then I’ll be the first one to counter it. Its not acceptable in my book.
    Now for the actual issue:
    — Everybody will agree that Chip Tsao is “cheap”, his journal is cheap as well as everything about him. Why are we sinking to his level then? (as pointed out above). To the point of everybody overreacting, and our politicians making their scenes out of it? and geez one of our respected politician is even challenging this guy to a boxing match?? Humor or not, its not worth it.
    — Chip Tsao is not even patriotic. So this is not a case of China vs Philippines. Gather all his articles and you will find that he is a known critic of the HK Government, and known for his provocative articles about some HK/Chinese people in general.
    — And where did he wrote this article? HK Magazine, a free journal probably in the same level as the “Libre” that anyone can find in any LRT station. Its not academic, not even prestigious.
    — If this article is a deliberate attempt to insult the nation as a whole, then my take is that the best way to counter it is another article from a respected Philippine Journal mentioning or opposing his claims. If we will show as a nation how much we are affected with an individuals opinion (satire or not), then its quite not good for us as a nation. If everyone will ignore him, and will not take his article seriously, and no media or politicians making scenes then he will feel WORTHLESS. This article is in the same magnitude as reading a tabloid like “The Sun” with a headline “UFO’s Invading the Earth”.
    –But again, if this article is from the Govt of China, or from any organization there (collective), then I’ll respond in a different way. Like everyone else, i was hurt by this article. I was hurt because i realized some of his claims are actually true, though he chose to use derogatory/sarcastic words in expressing it. But the point is im not bothered since i know why the situation is like that at least for filipino DH in HK.
    In short, i dont believe his arguments.
    AS* 🙂

  28. I suggest that you take a quick review of what partial analogies are. They’re valid constitutions of any argument. And yeah, I can spend my life in things more worthwhile than rebutting someone else’s arguments. Given a chance, I’d dispute great thinkers to prove how much more ‘bigas’ I should devour. Good thing that you’re not affected. I don’t want another person adding to the suicide statistics in Korea. And you know what? I really don’t mind all this either.
    Well, at least now I know that you’re not that legalistic, callously objective, and a shrug-off on this issue. No one should be. And neither should anyone be over-reactive.
    Elliots last blog post..A Switch that could Change the World

  29. Chip Tsao had apologized to the Filipinos and he showed everyone what a big man he is. If only the politicos in the Philippines could do that, apologize for the likes of Louisa who separated from their families to work as servants for some people who could be less educated than them.
    @arvinsign and Elliot – i really like your batuhan of opinions but they’re so long and i’m a busy mother and i have a household to run… but i’ll let you two argue since that’s a good intellectual exercise and i’m sure that others are learning from you two…

  30. Hi Betch,
    I disliked, but not insulted, by Chip Tsao’s article. Thus, my silence:-). When I read that he personally requested to meet the people he had offended, I admire his gesture. He admitted that he crossed the line. You’re right about the politicos – especially the one who challenged him to a boxing match. What is it that separates men from boys? hehehe.
    wendys last blog post..A Good Book Find

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