RIP Noh Moo Hyun (Roh Moo Hyun)

My husband woke up early this morning to use the computer since we have a “no-computer policy” when we’re both home. I was still asleep but then he turned on the TV and I woke up when I heard the news that “ë…¸ ì „ 대통룡 사망” or “Former President Noh is Dead”. I felt sad after confirming that what I heard is really what I heard. He jumped from a cliff near his house in Bongha Maeul between 6:40-6:50 this morning. He was pronounced dead three hours later.
Former President Noh has been embroiled in a bribery scandal and the first thing that came to my mind after hearing about his death is the suicide of Hyundai Chairman Chung Mong Hun six years ago. He jumped from one of the bridges in Hangang. He was also involved in a bribery scandal with the president’s brother.
Former President Noh lived quite an inspiring yet a very controversial life perfect for a Korean drama. He was a famous human rights lawyer who passed the bar exams without even attending law school. In 2004, the conservatives tried to impeach him causing one of the biggest pro-Noh candlelight rallies. Read more about his life from the Wikipedia


  1. suicide is not honorable (no disrespect to korean politicians), but why dont our filipino politicians try it?

      1. hehe..they need to stop flying abroad or they might be contracted with swine flu..or maybe thats a gud idea..hahah..

  2. try it??^^ it like “trying” to eat food that’s new to us??…can they “try” and also come back to life??^^this isn’t bungee jumping, you know…

  3. do koreans really have a suicide culture? instead of facing th eproblem head on and prove one’s innocence(in the case of pres roh moo hyun), they choose self inflicted death. maybe he got so depressed over his case that the alternative in his mind for an honorable exit was death. this may inspire copycat suicide from koreans. i think this is all wrong.
    but i pray that he gets the peace that he wants.

    1. hi ellen! i’m not sure about suicide as a “culture” among koreans… with pres. noh (based on his suicide note) it would seem like he was trying to save the people close to him… his wife claimed that she ‘borrowed’ money mr. park but that her husband didn’t know… the prosecutors spent six months investigating the books of taekwang (the company where mr. park is a ceo)… complicated but if i were his family, i’d like for the prosecutors to continue investigation just to clear his name… my husband, who’s a ‘fan’ of pres. noh believes that the family received money but what’s important to him is that the president tried to serve his people when he was alive… as they say, it’s more meaningful to celebrate the life he lived and not the way he died… but then he was a president

    2. Hi Ellen!
      I have studied Korean Culture for the past three years. According to one of the articles about their culture,Koreans are suicidal in nature especially if they can no longer hold the pain and the disgrace that they have caused to their families, relatives and friends. Just like what happened to one of the famous singer-actress in Korea who made a suicide after breaking up with her non-showbiz boyfriend. The pain that she was facing is about the gossips of the people around her saying they have different status in life and that’s the reason why they broke up. Once they feel unhappy, they are going to attempt to kill themselves. That’s it.

  4. as such ridiculous! Life is so beautiful .suicide its not the solution but rather to realize that mistake should be changed.if its traditional i dont think that should be idolized to koreans.

  5. only last year there were i think five personalities who committed suicide, they were actors and actresses, and just recently an actress in Korean drama ” Boys over Flower” had committed a suicide too.
    Filipinos are Christians, so after all the hardships we are being saved by our faith in God and our great fear to God.
    Korea is not a Christian country, more than that they are materialistic i think, pride and prejudice reigns over Korean culture.

    1. hi lou! it’s really difficult to judge them… in almost every korean street there is a christian church, motel, noraebang, cosmetics shop and a bar!

  6. Christians believe that taking a suicide is a sin.Roh didn’t realize he could have the chance to ask forgiveness to the Lord and do his best to pay for his sins. What he did is to escape from the consequences of what he did. he’s dead now, so he can’t repay anymore his sins.
    It’s a call for other leaders around the world to become real leaders and not be overwhelmed by their power, to the extent of abusing it.
    It’s still God who is the most powerful above all. we must follow and serve Him by serving our neighbors with all love and honesty, and not for our own selfishness.

    1. Please don’t talk like you know this story idiot, because you obviously don’t. President Roh committed suicide to protect his family. You also have to remember he fought for democracy as he was the “only” president who fought for illegal immigrants’ rights in Korea, he was a democratic hero in Korea

      1. why do you claim to know everything about Roh Moo Hyun and Korea too? are you sure, he died in order to protect his family? you’re idiot,he’s dead already so how can he protect hid family? can’t you see what he did is shameful?
        how can he protect them if he can’t protect himself?

        1. His wife and his family members had been receiving corrupt money behind his back which he knew nothing about after investigation, and he was devastated by that fact. Weather he knew it or not he still took responsibility for his family’s wrong doings and committed suicide, weather it’s morally good or bad he still did it to protect his family.

      2. why do you claim to know everything about Roh Moo Hyun and Korea too? are you sure, he died in order to protect his family? you’re idiot,he’s dead already so how can he protect his family? can’t you see what he did is shameful?
        how can he protect them if he can’t protect himself?

        1. Sure he could’ve lived on and bought the most expensive lawyer in the country and denied all accusations but the kind of person that he is, he chose death. Koreans would rather choose death than being dishonored, it’s just their mentality. One of the reason why Korea is still using Hangul instead of Japanese during annexation, because of this mentality Koreans were mass murdered when they were forced to learn Japanese.

  7. Roh as a leader must be a good example. but what he did is worst. the younger generations might be influenced by suicide mentality. so sad.Korean economy could have achieved its peak but not with Faith.

  8. lou is right! One thing is…an honor is a material being and only showing your identity as who you are in the community and its only part of your existence.these are all temporary its not permanent then take note :we have to regain legacy while we still live so that when we passed away generation will call u the heroes of history.suicide its not anymore legacy.

  9. its so sad to hear that the former leader of korean comitted suicide, he is a leader, not a good examples especially for the young generations. why they dont trying to face thier problem knowing there is a BIG GOD who can help thier agony, or what ever. why koreans likely to commit suicide. bE Strong KOREAN..

  10. I feel deeply saddened by this news. I couldn’t gasp how much pain and depression that he was in. To have everything turned around and face all of the people with shame. I still admire him and know that he did his best for his people and for his family. It is simple for others to say that he could have just face the consequences for his actions, but never will we understand the decision that he made because we have never went through the very same situation that he had. Even at the time that he was summoned, it was so obvious that he was so depress and in pain, but still brave enough to come and face everyone.
    I do not justify what he did and what had happened. But I feel that wherever he is now, he is at peace and with God.

    1. Hi Giselle! I feel the same. I still admire him since I’d known him through my husband.

      1. i don’t know much about him but my husband said he’s very well-loved and admired in this country… watching the news, it is very evident that a lot of people genuinely grieves for him and his family.
        wendys last blog post..Power Dressing

  11. Those of you who blame President Roh’s suicide don’t understand the underlying mentality of Koreans.
    It is a tragedy that he chose death, but he was and still is our leader. He committed no sin, but was and still is the most honorable leader of Korean history. His conviction of bribery was very minimal but, the conservative newspaper exaggerated his faults. He received money from his sponsor who sponsored him for 20 years during all his political career. The point he received money was only two months before his end of term. There is no evidence at all that he abused his power. It was his fault but not his sin.
    Although I am not Christian, Jesus, as human, asked his father whether he should die. Father answered, yes. Sometimes, death is more honorable than life.
    He was a great leader and I admire him.

    1. Hi Mr. Kwak! Thank you for the comment. I also think he was a great leader although not a favorite of the conservatives.

  12. i know you’re right,death is more honorable than life but it should not be you taking your own life.Jesus did not kill himself!and He did it for the glory of God and for us sinners.I dont condemn him for commiting suicide becoz i dont even know what he’s been through but there’s always a way for every trials.I feel sad that suicide became a trend not only in korea but also to some countries even here in the phil.(but i think filipinos have a high tolerance of any emotional problem).Lets have more faith in God no matter how hard life is.

  13. @ lou
    “Roh as a leader must be a good example. but what he did is worst.”
    – I understand and respect you and your religious beliefs. But i have to disagree with what you wrote. Your religious beliefs does not give you the right to tell what/who is right and who/what is wrong (or worst). Suicide is an act where people outside your circle, view it quite differently. In the same case that if you think as a Christian, the 9/11 perpetrators were evil, but in the eyes and mind of some moslems they were not.
    “”Filipinos are Christians, so after all the hardships we are being saved by our faith in God and our great fear to God.
    Korea is not a Christian country, more than that they are materialistic i think, pride and prejudice reigns over Korean culture.””
    There are more killings/murders/genocides etc committed in the name of religion than murders/killings/genocides committed in its absence.

  14. I must say something is really wrong with their culture as well as their principles or beliefs. Korea as a country has been considered as a “hermit kingdom”, isolating itself from others and is not that open to the world. well, you know what I’m saying. It seems that Koreans possess same identity. i don’t generalize them. Competitions brought by capitalism caused long term effects to the mentality of modern Koreans. There must be balance between social living and economic pursuit, but sad to say many Koreans value status symbol and economic status more than true relationship with others, and most importantly their relationship with God.

  15. My Korean student was truly sad about the situation in Korea. She hopes that Koreans could have peace of mind. It seems to her that most Koreans are worried all the time because of the pressure thy experience in maintaining their economic status and aiming for much more or better. She said that when she came to Philippines, she has experienced some peace of mind.
    I told her it’s not always a perfect world. We may be on top this time, but tomorrow maybe another situation. So when that time comes, we must learn to bend like a pliant bamboo and accept the situation. In the eyes of God we are all sinners, those who never sin must be the first one to throw the stone.
    The best is to ask God forgiveness while we are living. Let our mistakes be our lessons in life. We must accept it because all of us commit sins. That’s human nature.
    Let’s not be influenced by wrong mentality. Suicide is against love for one’s life. Suicide is the same with abortion. Both are really bad.

  16. It’s too late for him to realize that many people still love him in spite of everything, and something good awaits to happen after all the trials.
    Be strong! Look back and pray to God.

    1. hi Lou! Pres. Roh killed himself because he didn’t want to be a burden. It’s kinda difficult to understand but if you know how Pres. Roh lived his life, then somehow you might see that until the end he was serving the people. My husband and I talked about him last night. He is really affected by the death of one person he thinks is a reincarnation of Lee Sun Shin. He’s been a member of Pres. Roh’s online cafe since it opened last year. He checks the site everyday, reads Pres. Roh’s messages and ideas and virtually argues or agrees with his ideas. My husband would miss this the most.

      1. betchay, have you read the philippine daily inquirer’s take on pres. roh mo hyun? they say it is moral cowardice on his part which divided the south korean society, some considered his suicide heroic while others considered it shameful.his supporters say that he was unfairly singled out by th enew government but others pointed out that one of his legacies was to cut ties between the presidency and the prosecution and he increased the authority of the judges. also they say he was a victim of irresponsible leaking out of information to the press(korean press has been described as uncompetitive).he jumped to his death to salvage what remains of his legacy. compare this to our local officials who will deny to death their wrong doings etc. etc. 6million usd involved is nothing as compared to the government’s zte dealings (remember moderate their greed), hello garci, the marcoses and their hidden wealth, erap and his mistresses( and how each of them wants a piece of the pie). pres roh must have sunk into deep clinical depression for him to take his own life and end his misery.

  17. from what i remember from my religion studies, culture, principle or beliefs can never be wrong if it’s yours…
    he is deeply mourned and respected for his good deeds and life of service…

  18. @ lou
    “I must say something is really wrong with their culture as well as their principles or beliefs.”
    – Have you been here in Korea or are you here right now? for how long? How many Koreans do you know?
    “Competitions brought by capitalism caused long term effects to the mentality of modern Koreans”
    – What? Is the Philippines not a capitalist society? Every country in the world except for a few socialist states are capitalist states.
    “There must be balance between social living and economic pursuit, but sad to say many Koreans value status symbol and economic status more than true relationship with others, and most importantly their relationship with God.”
    – Majority of the countries who doesnt have any relationship with “God” (generally) are more prosperous and safer (less crime) than our beloved Philippines where 99pct have religious affiliations.
    “”Let’s not be influenced by wrong mentality. Suicide is against love for one’s life. Suicide is the same with abortion. Both are really bad.””
    – Again, the world does not revolve around your personal experiences and mythical beliefs, in the way that you cant assess Korea as a nation using your student as a basis.

  19. can’t someone give his/her comment without having been to korea??^^is the length of stay and the number of koreans that you associate with matters a lot??^^…how long should someone be in a foreign country before he/she can see what others(who think has the ultimate authority) have seen??a year…10 years..25 years..50 years??^^…cant i give a legitimate comment without those “parameters?”^^ not “hitting”on someone but it’s funny to me…sometimes we are too careless with things that we say…

  20. Lou:
    You sound very stubborn, ignorant, and hard headed. You should consider educating yourself a little further before posting comments, otherwise you’ll come off as being ignorant. And keep in mind that not everyone believes in God.

  21. “can’t someone give his/her comment without having been to korea??^^”
    — Of course anyone can. If someone is berating your comments it doesnt mean you dont have the right to. But its as simple as criticizing a movie without even watching it, or basing the conclusions on the 30 seconds trailer.
    “”is the length of stay and the number of Koreans that you associate with matters a lot??^^””
    – It does. If you disagree, ill be happy to hear why.
    “…cant i give a legitimate comment without those “parameters?””
    — I think the credibility and sense of your comment decreases exponentially the lesser the quality and quantity of your observation on any matter.

  22. Many people around the world struggle for survival, and many more people fight for their lives.
    To Pacman:
    “And keep in mind that not everyone believes in God.”
    Are you telling you don’t believe in God? if you don’t well I do because there so many reasons to believe that there is. Look around you, and you will see.
    To arvinsign:
    I don’t need to be in Korea to tell my side about Roh’s death. newspapers, magazines, and history books could tell what it is to live in Korea, not only that, the many Korean people I’ve met tell the same thing about life in Korea, sad to say most of them are negative. do you tell me not to believe them?
    so if they tell me that it’s not good to live in Korea, should I tell that they’re just lying or pretending.
    Is it being stubborn to accept what they say and listen to their opinions?
    i do sympathize with the many Koreans mourning for Roh, but I don’t condemn him as a person, what I condemn is the kind of idea he had for committing suicide, and that kind of idea must be changed, and not be entertained.

  23. “the world does not revolve around your personal experiences and mythical beliefs, in the way that you cant assess Korea as a nation using your student as a basis.”
    As you said I speak based on my experience for they are real. My belief in God is not a mythical one.

  24. @ lou
    what im saying is you need to substantiate with facts what you’ve heard from your friends, what you’ve read from magazines, books, etc before saying that there’s something wrong with the culture here. Im not saying there is none, but at least be fair to them. Is it too difficult to give an objective assessment first rather than jumping immediately to a conclusion?
    “so if they tell me that it’s not good to live in Korea, should I tell that they’re just lying or pretending”
    – Just how many people (Koreans) you are talking about? 2? 10? 100? Ask some other people who went here and i can assure you they will tell you a different observation.
    Do you really believe that you are being objective and fair?
    “”Furthermore, believing in God is not my imagination nor a mythical belief. He exists.””
    – No comment, or else your church mates will run amuck again 🙂

    1. Excuse me, those Korean people i’m talking about have stayed and lived in Korea all their lives.
      why not try to open your mind and eyes to what is really happening in your country, or else the North Korea nuclear bomb will first drop on you.
      try to stand at the 38 th parallel for 24 hours, then maybe you would regret that you’re born in Korea.
      if taking my own life would be the price of living there, then I’d rather live in another place.

  25. its seems everybody wants to sound smart in this post..all of us are smart here..ok? unless some are pretending to be..hehe..anyways, we really cant judge korea because we dont want our country to be judged also especially our people..and if you believe in God then thats good but dont sound self righteous about it..its by grace we were saved..right? theres also many many christians in korea..just like here..they have many churches but they have many bars too..just like in here..we dont have too many suicide cases here but theres too many drug users here..which can be like suicide before we point at others, lets make sure were on point on ourselves..

  26. @ puh
    good points.
    “they have many churches but they have many bars too”
    — and lots of love motels (adjacent to churches) hehe 🙂

  27. Lou,
    Have you heard of the term “tunnel vision”? How about “one track minded”? Look it up if you don’t know what they mean since both terms apply to you. You sound like an old stubborn fart who’s mind has been rigidly hardened and will never open up. Heck, I shouldn’t even bother wasting my time responding to a hard headed religious nut like you. But I had to add my 2 cents.
    You hit it right on the button. Good job, only if Lou had at least 1/4 of an IQ like you, sigh.

  28. And why are you so bothered with my comments? did I tell you to be bothered? Maybe you don’t really understand what you’re talking about. You fucking narrow-minded person.don’t you see the point why Roh died, it’s because of silly and idiot people like you.
    and why are you so affected? you know, while all other Koreans feel the guilt and shame because of what their ex-pres. did, you are still so proud and try to defend what is clearly bad and incorrect.
    And since you accept Roh’s decision then you better commit suicide too.You believe in yourself too much, a proud idiot.

  29. you know my Korean student almost cried. she worry about her children very much. As a mother, she regrets putting too much pressure on her children’s studies. she’s afraid that one day her children might commit suicide because of what she’s doing.
    she realized that she must not be giving too much expectations on them. she doesn’t want them to live according to others’ expectations too.she wants them to be happy in their lives, after all no one is really perfect for her.

  30. taking drugs and suicide are both sinful. however a person who has been a drug addict can still do something to change himself, but the one who does suicide could never bring himself to life.
    i’m not trying to exempt my country and countrymen from this thing. what I’m telling is that I’m greatly against suicide and i don’t entertain it.

  31. @ lou
    “You fucking narrow-minded person……”
    “you better commit suicide too. You believe in yourself too much, a proud idiot.”
    — although these words of yours were not intended for me, but i think its quite inappropriate. You are the only one here talking about “God”, voicing out self righteous assertions and other religious brouhaha etc, yet you also seem to be the ONLY one (and fond of) to use profane and obscene language/words (not typical of a true religious person). Tsk

    1. “You sound like an old stubborn fart who’s mind has been rigidly hardened and will never open up. ” by PACMAN idiot
      why how many times did you hear me say bad words here? 10/20?100 times? why not check others’ comments here just like the one above.
      if letting someone or others say bad words to me is humility, well for me it’s not. it’s foolishness.
      Have you examined others comments here? and you are the one of those really trying to defend SUICIDE, as a reasonable thing. don’t be a fault-finder in order to defend your argument. you talk about “bar” things, maybe you go to bars after going to church. or maybe you never go to church.

  32. i was surprised too… if you want to be an example, why not offer your other cheek if someone slaps the other? others can talk about God endlessly, about their “deep” belief or faith, but not humble or true enough to practice what they preach…

    1. who told you that my intention for telling my comments is to become a good example for you and to others?
      do you claim to be the one who have the right to give comments here.

    2. “You sound like an old stubborn fart who’s mind has been rigidly hardened and will never open up. ” by PACMAN idiot
      if letting someone or others say bad words to me is humility, well for me it’s not. it’s foolishness. why not try to examine others’ comment here like the one above.

    3. why are you so surprised? have you not say even a single bad word in your entire life?
      “but not humble or true enough to practice what they preach…”
      do you expect me to just listen and be humble with the bad words someone is uttering to me?
      you’re being a fault-finder and perfectionist? of course,i claim to have the right to say bad words to someone who is saying bad words to me too.

  33. so you expect me to shut up my mouth and just listen to someone saying bad words to me? it would be a suicide if i would just let someone do it to me.

  34. in Roh’s suicide note he said he has no more face to show others so he committed suicide, he himself accepted what he did were wrong. he didn’t say he did it to protect his family. he admitted he caused much sufferings and troubles to others too and he felt shameful of it.
    that’s the truth.

  35. @ lou
    “why not try to open your mind and eyes to what is really happening in your country, or else the North Korea nuclear bomb will first drop on you. try to stand at the 38 th parallel for 24 hours, then maybe you would regret that you’re born in Korea.”
    – Im Pinoy. Statistically, i have met MORE Koreans than you did in your entire life. I saw the whole country, mingled with the culture and the people, experienced the good and the bad’s of it…but until now, i still feel like I am in NO position to bash them or generalize them (the whole). I am a very objective person. Yet you, staying in the Philippines all your life, talking to your few students (2? 3? ) and listening to their stories, wasting your time watching Korea Novelas, but all the while wishing (desperate) to come here as a teacher, have the GUTS to criticize this country just because their President committed suicide??. Criticize them all you want, but dont be too self righteous. Your religion and mythical beliefs is unfounded anyway. (Ooops sorry to my religious friends)
    “”Roh’s death is a wake up call for many Koreans. It calls for a change.””
    — Wtf. You know reading is FUN. Why not invest some time doing it. Suicide is the 4th cause of death in Korea (from high schoolers to politicians to celebrities). And as per OECD data, Korea has the highest rate of suicide among member countries (26.1 per 100,000), even higher then Japan. Of the 246,000 deaths in 2005, suicide accounts for 4.7% or 12,000 deaths. That means 32 deaths by suicide on average per day.
    Now whats my point? My point is you dont have any point.
    “Have you examined others comments here? and you are the one of those really trying to defend SUICIDE”
    – Seriously, your lack of comprehension is insanely amazing. I am not defending suicide, what im saying is what you know as moral is not shared by the rest of the DON’T assume you are right.
    Have i examined other peoples comments in here? Oh yeah. What made you think im treating you special.
    “”don’t be a fault-finder in order to defend your argument. you talk about “bar” things, maybe you go to bars after going to church. or maybe you never go to church.””
    — Whaaat? Where are you getting your facts? I did not mention anything about bars, and i dont attend any cult services and does not go to church either. Its puh who said that hehehe. But then so what? I prefer charity than faith. But anyway, good idea, probably i need to relax on a cozy bar to relieve stress.
    Do you really know how to read? or at least analyze sentences? How old are you?
    You know, if i were you, STOP humiliating yourself with your non-sense ideas. Educate yourself more, read REAL books, stay on a cave alone for 10 years (do a self reflection, dont talk to anyone, please have pity on them) then go back here.
    Sorry OP for not sticking on topic.

    1. you know the wrong thing with you is that in each comment the person has, you have to ask the no.of times, hours, years, and no. of people a person need to have to justify my point. why do you think i should count how many are telling that suicide is truly bad in order for me to belive that it’s bad.
      “Im Pinoy. Statistically, i have met MORE Koreans than you did in your entire life”
      you always talk about statistics. do you have the facts too? don’t you have your own mind to examine and think of what to say so you have to count all the number of people to justify your answer.
      You’re the one humiliating yourself. You’re a Filipino, and YOU SPEAK AS IF YOU’RE A KOREAN, as IF YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT KOREA JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE THERE.Bitch.Chalancho!
      “but don’t be too self righteous”, it’s you who thinks that you are all right with your sound like an arrogant, pretentious person making all the rest that you’re very much accepted in the Korean society, and you’re not even a KOrean. did you ever ask anyone of them if they really like you to be in their country.

      1. “You’re the one humiliating yourself. You’re a Filipino, and YOU SPEAK AS IF YOU’RE A KOREAN, as IF YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT KOREA JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE THERE.Bitch.Chalancho!”
        omg I don’t mean to bud in but you’re truely immature, he’s not saying he’s Korean or he knows everything about Korea, do you comprehend? you have a tendency to make people repeat same comments over and over….

    2. you know the wrong thing with you is that in each comment the person has, you have to ask the no.of times, hours, years, and no. of people a person need to have to justify my point. why do you think i should count how many are telling that suicide is truly bad in order for me to belive that it’s bad.
      “Im Pinoy. Statistically, i have met MORE Koreans than you did in your entire life”
      you always talk about statistics. do you have the facts too? don’t you have your own mind to examine and think of what to say so you have to count all the number of people to justify your answer.
      You’re the one humiliating yourself. You’re a Filipino, and YOU SPEAK AS IF YOU’RE A KOREAN, as IF YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT KOREA JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE THERE.Bitch.Chalancho!
      “but don’t be too self righteous”, it’s you who think that you are all right with your sound like an arrogant, pretentious person making all the rest that you’re very much accepted in the Korean society, and you’re not even a KOrean. did you ever ask anyone of them if they really like you to be in their country.
      You ask me to read, why do you think you’re the only Filipino who can read? maybe you’re the one uneducated Filipino who went to Korea, because you can’t find yourself existing.
      “stay on a cave alone for 10 years” oh so maybe you lived in the cave all your life so you are too ignorant about everything, and you have to ask others everyone and then.

    3. “Do you really know how to read? or at least analyze sentences? How old are you?”
      why do you think someone should be older than you to say that he or she is right? is age you’re primary basis.foolish!

  36. @ lou and arvinsign.
    ive read you comments.and i guess both of you have your own points.and both of you are talking about two different things…
    ARVINSIGN.. you’re right to say that we dont have the right to judge others for their culture or for not believing in God.
    LOU…we both believe that God is not a myth and that He truly exist.and for me also, whatever situation you have in life no matter how hard it is,suicide is not the answer.
    we are all sinners,but it doesnt mean that we dont have the right to say what’s rigth and whats wrong.”open rebuke is better than hidden love”.i guess all of us are in good intensions here.and when i say that i dont think Roh should have commit suicide it doesnt mean i condemn him or misjudge korean culture but because that’s what i believe in whether you agree or not.And if i believe in God, it doesnt mean im forcing you to believe also.

  37. Hey Lou…what a load of shit!!
    “Filipinos are Christians, so after all the hardships we are being saved by our faith in God and our great fear to God.Korea is not a Christian country, more than that they are materialistic i think, pride and prejudice reigns over Korean culture.”
    In Australia all the Koreans I meet are hard working, honorable people who serve our community well. The Filipinos in Australia are generally full of troubled thieving youths and the people exhibit bad behavior. Your governments have been amongst the most corrupt in the world worst than those of Korea. NEVER compare your Filipino people to the honorable Koreans!!! If Australia had more Koreans and less Filipinos we would be a better country.

    1. oh really? is it the reason why the brother of a famous Korean actor, LEE DONG GUN being stubbed many times in your country. are you guilty of this incident that’s why now you’re telling good things about Koreans. A BIG F FOR YOU! shame on you, killer.
      and if you’re not convinced with this information go and search this name :LEE DONG GUN
      do you think many Filipinos would love to go there, no way! we might be killed too like LEE DONG GUN’S BROTHER.

  38. @ happy
    Thanks. I dont agree with suicide too, im not even defending it. But someone here lost his senses, and started preaching. I am just providing a balance argument.
    I know you believe in God, and im happy that you are standing for it. In its strictest sense, i dont detest any believers, but it irks me so much whenever they start to think as if non-believers like me is wrong (or evil) and they are right and that the world centers on their religious beliefs.
    “we are all sinners,but it doesnt mean that we dont have the right to say what’s rigth and whats wrong.”open rebuke is better than hidden love”.
    – Im sorry but i have to disagree with you on this. Besides i dont bite on that Proverbs quote you posted. I dont consider the Bible authoritative.
    “and when i say that i dont think Roh should have commit suicide it doesnt mean i condemn him or misjudge korean culture but because that’s what i believe in whether you agree or not.”
    – I agree with you on that, and thats very nice if its true. But if you will read all of the comments made by lou, its full of condemnation of Roh as a person and the Korean society in general. Of course he/she? will deny it. In case a denial will be posted, i’ll provide him/her? with an objective line by line rebuttal.
    “And if i believe in God, it doesnt mean im forcing you to
    believe also.”
    – I know. But anyway dont even try. Joke :)..Peace and stay happy
    @ Australian
    You are off topic. This is not about Koreans against Filipinos or who is better between the 2 groups.
    We Filipinos respect the Koreans as well as the Australians or any nationalities for that matter, so please do the same. I dont care whether the Koreans you met were all nice people (good for you), but generalizing and negatively stereotyping the whole Filipino community in Australia as troubled thieving youths and bad behaving entities is likewise a load of shit too. So now, you know what to do.

  39. @lou
    “you know the wrong thing with you is that in each comment the person has, you have to ask the no.of times, hours, years, and no. of people a person need to have to justify my point. why do you think i should count how many are telling that suicide is truly bad in order for me to belive that it’s bad.”
    — What im saying is that you need to be OBJECTIVE. If you want to be subjective in such a way as what you are DOING, then dont be too SELF RIGHTEOUS. You are fond of saying that im wrong, this person is wrong because he did this, this country is wrong, there’s a problem with their culture etc just because it doesnt agree with your whimsical beliefs.. just who are YOU to say that??
    “”you always talk about statistics. do you have the facts too? don’t you have your own mind to examine and think of what to say so you have to count all the number of people to justify your answer.””
    — Yes, i do and credibility of data and assumptions is important to me. Facts? I have given you facts already, but the problem is your poor comprehension of anything that needs analysis is preventing you from grasping it. I can put hundreds of references here for you to read, but knowing your nature of being hard headed, you wont even spend a single second reading it.
    “You’re the one humiliating yourself. You’re a Filipino, and YOU SPEAK AS IF YOU’RE A KOREAN, as IF YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT KOREA JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE THERE.Bitch.Chalancho!”
    — I am not defending KOREA (in fact i hate it 60 pct of the time) and i dont know much about Korea. Im just putting a balance on your negative assumptions. Im fair and balance. You can try, start talking about how beautiful Korea is using unfounded basis, and you will receive again an objective commentary from me. Whenever you write a comment on anything or whether you post a blog, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to others, for whatever post(s) you will write down on the world wide web will stay long enough for generations to see and read, probably even by your children and grandchildren. So try your best not to look stupid. Try harder
    — and you are saying as if i know everything about KOREA? Read your comments and read mine. Between us, who assumes he knows about Korea better than the rest of us here? As ive said i am providing an objective line by line rebuttal to your every subjective assumption. And please dont drag me to a verbal war with your use of foul language (such as BITCH, IDIOT, FUCKING XXX), because it shows what kind of breeding you have (if you have) and the level of the not so complicated mentality you possess . You never ceases to amaze me, you talking about the Bible all the time, talking about “GOD”, values and etc, yet very fond of using obscene language and words. How ironic. Anyway im no longer surprised. If you didnt talked about the Bible previously, you can curse me all you want for the hell i care. Its perfectly fine.
    “it’s you who thinks that you are all right with your sound like an arrogant, pretentious person making all the rest that you’re very much accepted in the Korean society, and you’re not even a KOrean. “”
    — As ive said, you have a big problem with comprehension. You will read a sentence, but you will interpret it differently. Its such a waste of time answering your comments with a complex one, for you wont be able to discern it. Im really wishing that whatever job you have right now, has nothing to do with teaching or education. Thats chaos. Now im rude again 🙂
    “did you ever ask anyone of them if they really like you to be in their country.”
    Yes, i did. But whats the point of asking anyway?
    lou, why dont you scroll up among the comments and check how many people agrees/disagrees with you in your posts? Isn’t that a good evidence enough for you to be convinced that (maybe) you are wrong? Or another fair analysis is, print this out (including all your comments, my comments and others) then show it to your friends or any people around you, then ask them if you are making sense. Then, if any of your friends, will say that yes you are making sense, do yourself a favor and that person a favor as well as the rest of the world..STAY AWAY from that person. 🙂

  40. you better do what you say!
    all that you say here are nonsense, you expect me to listen to you, why? are you Korean? you’re not even Korean. or maybe you’re just drunk! just go to the bar and waste your nonsense talks there. Koreans should stay away from you, YOU’RE SUCH A GREAT PRETENDER! maybe you have no other friends there, or maybe you’re a TNT doing crazy things there.
    don’t you think you’re making nonsense. you’re HARD-HEADED!

  41. Hahhaha. no matter how long your comments are, they’re all nonsense. you better shut up your dirty mouth! no one should listen to you! hahaha

  42. @ lou
    “you better shut up your dirty mouth!”
    — Look over the foul words that you used or hurled to me and to others here before branding me with that remark. Im listing it here for you.
    (1.“You fucking narrow-minded person……”
    2. “you better commit suicide too. 3. You believe in yourself too much, a proud idiot.4. ”BITCH”, 5. “A BIG F FOR YOU! 6. shame on you, killer!”)
    — Im sure the OP will not be happy to see words like that in this site. No matter how upset you are, try to be civil.

  43. Amen! End of this never-ending brawl. We’re all Filipinos. I feel embarrassed reading all these comments that were accorded to someone we didn’t even know personally. We could only guess and assume (and not judge). Just let history does its own analysis and judgment.
    Peace to all of us!

  44. lou, as much as you’re trying to impress us, you end up looking every bit as uneducated, tactless, and with little/or no breeding. Profanities are clearly not welcome here (it only shows what kind of person you are) and nobody likes to hear your delusional twisted thoughts. Go back to the slums (where you belong) and please stay there all your life.

  45. and pray that no one would “stub” you to death after hearing your non-sense thoughts.

    1. Are you giving me a threat? sounds like you’re very much affected with my comments. i believe this website is free for all to give comments on Roh’s death. why can’t you give your own opinion about the issue if you believe that you’re educated?
      I just practice my freedom of speech, and if you feel bad about my comments then don’t assume that you’re comments are that so acceptable.

  46. Lou,
    Your ability to comprehend English is utterly subpar. Your usage of English is trashy. You’ve displayed no substance whatsoever, but only to reveal your hypocrisy. Are you an English teacher? If you are, I feel sorry for your Korean students because they are wasting their money on you. What kind of English teacher can’t comprehend English and replies in a trashy format??!!! Your usage of words:
    “you better shut up your dirty mouth!”
    “You fucking narrow-minded person……”
    “you better commit suicide too”
    “You believe in yourself too much, a proud idiot”
    ”BITCH” “A BIG F FOR YOU” “shame on you, killer!”
    These trashy usage of words coming from you is shameful especially after you claim to be a righteous god believing and fearing person. If you take a closer look, no one here is on your side. I suggest you do some soul searching, better yet I hope Betchay catches up on your trashy language and bans you permanently from ever posting on here again.

  47. Hey pacman, you give your reaction on my comments, then when someone gives comment or reaction on you, you react as if you own this whole website. why don’t you examine your comments first?

  48. i just hope lou teacher wont get into a situation where she’s to choose between life and death to protect her family.
    things are easier said than done. you proved this yourself.
    you react too much. if you were here in korea. you wont be saying that. koreans dont look at his suicide negatively. we only remember him as a righteous, responsible and clean man–the man that he is. if you’d see whole families paying their respects to him, you would be really ashamed of your comments. whole family here refers to mother, father and CHILDREN and even their grandparents.
    his manner of death may be unacceptable to most but the way he lived his life was an example to most.
    you should also try to be a good example of your righteousness and belief in God. if you FEAR your
    God, you won’t be saying that against one person or you wont be saying those kind of dirty words towards other persons.

    1. Hi, I really have nothing against Roh Moo Hyun as a person and as the Pres. of Korea. i just really wonder why he has to take suicide. My Korean students tell good things about him, but they too say it’s not a good decision. they fear that more Koreans and younger ones might do the same because a very important person did it.
      if for you it’s being hypocrite to be against suicide. then you are
      hypocrite cause you can’t face what’s truly not good!you tell me not to say dirty words is HYPOCRITE not a dirty one. why say it too?

    2. of course it’s not my habit to say bad words around my students or to anyone. but it’s my right to say bad words to those who say bad words to me. respect is for those who deserve it, and if you agree about suicide then i think you have no respect with your life; and if you would say bad words to me then I have the right to say bad words to you. who do you think you are? HYPOCRITE

      1. and for what reason why you need to say hypocrite. it’s because you hate my comments. that’s why it’s a bad’s the bad expression of your feelings, don’t u think so?

  49. and i didnt say you are hypocrite for going against suicide but for saying those words after telling us all of your fear of God. i didn’t say too that i agree with suicide. i didnt say it but that we appreciate the President for the life he led.
    you will never understand because of the cultural difference.
    that is if you know what cultural difference is.
    i bet you dont and wont and cant… and never ever will.
    and i know you will again answer with your itching fingers and overflowing emotions without even trying to read between the lines, understanding what is really being said.
    we all know because— you have low reading comprehension.
    bye lou teacher.
    peace also….

  50. so you mean to say you’re the only one who understands everything? did you really read my comments? pls tell the part where i said that i dislike Roh. as far as i remember it’s the idea of suicide that i condemn.don’t worry coz I won’t get mad or angry with my Korean students because of your comments.i think they’re smart not like you. because they condemn and disagree suicide and they believe that suicide is bad, and they don’t wanna die that way. my students are not as stupid as you.
    what you need is PEACE of mind before you commit suicide.

    1. Lou,
      I can’t believe you’re still going at it here. You’re the only stupid one here and needless to say stubborn as well. Don’t you find your comments/replies from the very beginning is full of hypocrisy from profanities to your lack of skills to comprehend? Don’t you notice that none of the posters here are on your side of the boat? I wonder why that is so even though most here are all or mostly Filipinos who posted. You seriously got issues that need to be checked, your issues are so deeply roooted that I can’t say it’s curable. In the future, you should consider what sort of ramifications you’ll have before you begin to respond to a subject. Otherwise, you’ll get burned if you start off on the wrong foot which is happening to you right now. By this time, you are only responding to save your shattered ego. So do yourself a favor, in the future just be more considerate and show some humility.

  51. don’t try to invent. i believe you’re just making some sort of messages using other names.HYPOCRITE.

  52. Hey Pacman,
    dOn’t try to inVent. i belIeve yOu’re jUst mAking soMe sOrt of meSsages usIng oTher namEs.HYPOCRITE.ryt?
    I agree with Lou,it’s yoU wHo coudn’T acCept someone’s opinioN.

  53. hay..kaloka! i read ms betchay’s blog everyday, but this time di ko kinaya….i wanna faint!!!!

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