Home security and peace of mind

[singlepic=1091,250,250,right]I don’t watch TV often but as I was waiting for my husband last night (who attended the former president’s wake and waited in line for four hours!), I decided to just turn on the TV and watch the first movie I see. It was about a family in the suburbs whose simple life suddenly turned upside down when two guys invaded their home. Scary, but it’s something that happens daily all over the world.
We live in an apartment and although one would need a password or a card to enter the building, some residents still opt to have their own home security systems. There are also CCTVs all around us but there’s nothing like taking the extra precaution for our peace of mind.
In my neighborhood back home, houses are secured by high walls, gates and loud barking dogs. Whenever I watch American movies, I’d notice that residents don’t usually have high fences and gates to protect their houses. Later on I found out that the wiser of them use ADT Security System that protects them year round.
You can find out more about the benefits of this system from the best home security team. They also have practical tips on how to protect your home and especially your family from any threat.


  1. i heard from my aunt that houses in the states especially a neighborhood of detached houses without fences signifies that the neighborhood is safe to live at that’s why it commands a higher price in the market. neighborhood with tall fences and gates and windows with railings projects an unsafe neighborhood.

    1. That observation somewhat holds true even here in Canada. Over here, different neighbourhoods are mostly fenced, so you can identify one from another. Houses tend to put fences in between their next-door neighbours, but only the sides and the back. Looking from the streets the houses on one side seem to have a common front yard. Although, more fences does not necessarily mean “unpeaceful neighbourhoods”.

  2. especially in America “good neighborhood” is pricey. Good neighborhood usually have more police cars patrolling the area, thus less crime.

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