Travel Safely with a Child

[singlepic=1099,250,250,right]My son has taken the plane more than a dozen times on medium and long haul flights. His first long haul flight was when he was five months old. It took us a total of 13 hours to fly from Seoul to Los Angeles. I traveled alone with him and I had to bring with me my carry-on bag, his diaper bag and him! It was difficult but not impossible and totally manageable.
The first thing I did was to look for tips on traveling with a baby. There are lots of resources online but one site that specializes in it is Baby Safe Travel. They have traveling tips for those with infants, crawlers, walkers and even multiples. They also have a wide range of baby travel products to help you plan your trip well. The website is well-made and is easy to navigate. You should check their blog page too!
On our first long haul flight together, my son mostly slept during the flight. However, it was different this time that he’s now 3 years old. I had to keep him entertained and quiet! He was awake when it was dark and almost everyone was sleeping. Good thing I packed a sticker book, paper and some crayons that has kept him from running around the plane for just about an hour. The rest of the flight? I don’t want to talk about it. When we got off the plane, he asked to go back and ride the plane again. He just loves flying!


  1. Your son sounds like an outgoing little chap. He won’t have a fear of flying either.
    If you’re on a bumpy flight, remark on it in a light-hearted manner and see who, around you, doesn’t smile along [grin].

  2. Flying with children can be trying…especially on long flights – been there, done that a few times myself. I know I have a hard time sitting still for even a few hours so it must be REALLY hard for kids when they are full of energy.
    I do like you and bring a lot of “busy” toys. Sticker books and crayons are awesome. I also buy things special for the flight that they could only have once in the air.
    I’ve never flown a flight as long as the one you and your son flew to LA tho…. My goodness, that must have been a LONG flight!
    .-= Jen´s last blog ..Cheap Airplane Tickets For College Students ? How? =-.

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