Unregistered tutors beware!

There’s a news article on Korea Times today regarding the government’s latest move to keep the price of education down. Apparently, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will be giving rewards to tipsters on illegal hagwons and tutors.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has set up a watchdog center in its fight against private cram schools that overcharge parents or operate longer than regulated times, with finishing times normally set at 10-11 p.m.
Whistleblowers on rule-violating private institutes or tutors will receive cash rewards. About 3 billion won has been earmarked for the project this year.
The cash rewards are set at 300,000 won for reporting overcharges or operation beyond designated hours; 500,000 won for identifying unregistered institutes; and up to 20 percent of monthly tuition for detecting illegal tutors.
Source: Tipsters on Illegal Hagwon to Get Up to 2 Million Reward

Private tutoring is not totally illegal in Korea. If one is interested in private tutoring, he must first register with the education and tax offices.


  1. My wonjangnim just recently registered my name in the education and tax office 2 months ago.He got all my related certificates in teaching and alien’s card and filled in a certain form. Everything were all done now. I got back all my certificates already, and that means I’m a registered teacher now.lol.

  2. My wonjangnim just recently registered my name in the education and tax office 2 months ago.He got all my related certificates in teaching and alien’s card and filled in a certain form. Everything were all done now. I got back all my certificates already, and that means I’m a registered teacher now.

  3. Hi Unnie!
    Did you receive my email last Monday? Have some questions for you. Thanks. ^_^

  4. Hi,
    i just wanna ask, would it be possible for me to be a registered tutor if my bachelor degree is Mass communication but i’m an undergrad of Master of arts in Education major in English
    (MA ED English)..In here, I just finished my first term..I’m expecting to receive a reply asap..hopefully, u can give me a reliable answer. thanks a lot!

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