Donations for Haiti relief

We usually watch the 9 o’clock news while having dinner. Tonight we had “pho”, a Vietnamese noodle dish. It is just one of my favorites. Anyway, at the end of the news they showed a list of companies and invidividuals who donated huge amounts to help the people of Haiti. The list included “2PM Park Jae Bum’s Fan Club” which gave “500 man won” or 5,000,000 won (almost $5,000). Wow! At least fan clubs nowadays have social activities not just revolving around their idols.
To those who are in Korea and would like to donate to help the people of Haiti, the easiest way is to dial the 060 number displayed on the left (or right) side corners of your television screens. The KBS number is 060-707-1070, for MBC it’s 060-700-1004, and SBS 060-700-1111. Donation per call is 2,000 and it will be reflected on your phone bill. It is less than the price of a Starbucks coffee. It isn’t a colon cleanser but at least you’ll feel less guilty sipping that caramel macchiato.
Actor Jang Dong Gun had donated 1-ok or $100,000, star couple Cha In Pyo and Shin Ae Ra donated the same amount. The couple were in Haiti in early 2009 as they sponsor charity organizations in the country.


  1. this comes as a surprise to me. in my 4 years of teaching koreans i never thought that many of them would be willing to help other people. i’ve handled hundreds of students. whenever i’d ask them if they’d like to help people they seem not to like the idea. but i had a handful who was genuinely generous.

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