Marriage and Birth Registration in Korea

This information is posted on the website of the South Korea Embassy in the Philippines. It is for reporting the marriage between a Korean and a Filipino and the birth registration of a child born in the Philippines who has a Korean and Filipino parents.
(Marriage between Korean & Filipino)
Requirements & Procedure:
1. The Filipino husband/wife should send to his/her Korean husband/wife the original marriage
certificate issued from the National Statistics Office (NSO).
2. The Korean husband/wife should translate the marriage certfificate from English to Korean.
3. The Korean husband/wife should submit the marriage certificate from NSO, Korean translation
and passport photocopy of both (or any valid ID of the Filipino) Filipino and Korean to the City Hall
in Korea.
Processing: 3 days (in Korea)
Fee: Gratis
(for child of Korean & Filipino parents, born in the Philippines)
*The Filipino husband/wife must be registered in the Marriage History of the Korean wife/husband
Requirements & Procedure:
1. The Filipino should send to his/her Korean spouse the original Birth Certificate of their child,
issued from the National Statistics Office (NSO).
2 The Korean should translate the Birth Certificate of his/her child from English to Korean.
3. The Korean should submit the Birth Certificate from NSO, Korean translation and passport
photocopy of both parents (or any valid ID of the Filipino) to the City Hall in Korea.
Processing: 3 days (in KOrea)
Fee: Gratis
(for child of Korean & Filipino parents, born in the Philippines)
1. Application Form for Passport
2. 2 pieces passport-sized colored pictures
– 3.5mm x 4.5mm
– white background
– must show the full frontal facial image of the child. both ears and the shoulders must be visible
3. Photocopy of the Birth Certificate from NSO
4. Passport photocopy of both parents
5. Baby’s Basic Certificate (Gibonjungmyeongso: Korean pronounciation) – 1 photocopy
6. Father or Mother’s Seal Certificate (Inkamjungmyeongso: Korean pronounciation) – 1 photocopy
7. Authorization from Korean father or mother to allow the Filipino wife/husband to apply for Korean
passport of their child. It should be in Korean characters. (Yeokwon Balgup Dong Uyseo: Korean
* Note: The Korean father/mother should include the following information on his/her Authorization
– name of child
– date of birth of child
– name of Korean father/mother
– date of birth of Korean father/mother
– request of Korean father/mother to issue paasport to his/her child
– signature of Korean father/mother & the date of signing the letter
Fees: for electronic passport valid for 5 years – PHP1750.00
Processing: 2 weeks
Fees: for 1 year regualr passport -PHP 750.00
Processing: 3 days
Fees: for Travel Certificate valid for 1 month – PHP 350.00
Processing: 1 day
*Notice: After the Korean passport has been issued, there’s a need to apply for the necessary visa from the Philippine Immigration


  1. Hey)) Olleh KT)) Do you now that you can do cheapest International call from Korea to Philippines using KT….My boyfriend is in Korea now…We are in touch through KT 00345 International service, which is cheapest in Korea…It’s only 5 won per second…Try it))

  2. @ oxana, thanks but i also suggest your boyfriend try the LUKAS international calling card. I have 72 minutes for 10,000 only…
    even Filipino-owned shops here recommend it…

  3. how if they are single her and they planning to married what kind of requirement they are going to prepare??asap please my amail my number 01029922600..

  4. hello..
    how about if the baby is going to be born in Korea? (Korean mother and Filipino father) What is the procedure for that? Should i also register my baby at the phil embassy? and do you have any knowledge of what name the baby should follow – korean or filipino name, or is it possible to have both names registered?

  5. Hi I just have one question. I read the information provided on this site, and it is clear to me that the process of the report of marriage in Korea takes only three days, however, my husband told me that it takes seven days. Do you have any idea why is it so? or they have new policy required by the city hall in Korea now?. I’m sorry I just want to know, because this is the only document I am waiting for so I can get an interview at the CFO in the Philippines. Thank you so much. I am looking forward to hear it from you soon. God bless.

  6. Hi,
    I just want to ask if can I still register the birth of my daughter in the Philippine embassy. She is already 3 years old here Korea. I want her also to obtain a dual citizenship just like my other friend’s children. Is it already late to register? If not, what are the requirements needed.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Chrys! If you were a Filipino when she was born, you could register her as a Filipino. Just ask for the late registration.

  7. im unmarried girl and i have 2 korean baby and born in philippines and they acknowlegde by their father in their birth certificate,,, i just want to know if do i need to register them in korean embassy for them to become korean or dual citizenship???

    1. Hi Alhex! You should ask their Korean father to inquire at the Korean Embassy. However, from what I know they will not get Korean citizenship unless the parents are legally married.

      1. Can a filipina mother get a higher chance of getting a tourist visa if she had a baby from korean bf? They are unmarried but the father recognized the child as his own. Can the child use his father’s fam name when the child is born?

  8. Hi. Am pregnant amd filipino. My husband is korean. Am just wondering how we should name our baby. Can I put korean and english names in baby’s birth certificate?

    1. That’s possible now, but you could also choose a name that doesn’t sound too Korean. A friend’s daughter is named Christine (Korean spelling though) and my son has a classmate (who is pure Korean) named Esther (Korean spelling).

  9. Hi! My baby was born here in the philippines and we are planning to go to korea next month. He’s 2month old. He will be traveling with me and my korean husband. Just wanna ask if you have idea kung anu ang travel documents n kelangan ng baby q? And kelangan pb ny kumuha ng visa s korean embassy? Thank you in advance s reply 🙂 God Bless!

    1. Hi rio. We have the same situation. Does your son have a passport already? And do you have your visa already?

  10. Hi. I would like to ask if the requirements for spouse visa are the same even if our marriage has already been registered in korea? Same as our son’s birth. I will greatly appreciate your response. Thanks!

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