A time when no one listened to Charice

Oops, the title is a little exaggerated. I usually sleep for six hours only since I’m a full-time employee, a mother, wife, blogger and part-time entrepreneur ;p I really slept late last night all because of Charice. I just planned to watch videos of David Foster and Friends in Manila but I ended up reviewing videos of Charice that I’ve seen numerous times before. How I wish I was in that concert! The crowd was so lively and it was obvious that the “Hitman” was enjoying every minute of the show. As expected, Charice is even better than her last performance. I don’t really watch her every show. It usually takes me a month or two before I watch another gig and all the time I’m blown away!
Anyway, here is a video (uploaded by “Aldueza”) that I saw last night with Charice singing in a wedding. I don’t know when it was taken but it was posted in 2008. Curiously, it seems that nobody was paying attention to Charice singing. Just like the christmas trees we put up in early September, we “sometimes” get used to them and don’t bother with until the holidays. She sang medleys of Sharon Cuneta songs and of Barry Manilow’s as well.

People were busy getting food or having their meal while Charice was singing. Like one commenter wrote, there was a time when people didn’t pay attention to Charice and now they will have to pay thousands to hear her sing live. Lucky couple though, they had the petite international pop star sing in their wedding!


  1. I can totally relate to those people at the wedding since she was nobody then, don’t get me wrong i’m a totally charice fan. That happened to me when i saw Lady gaga at a show in vegas before she became popular and i only $20 for the ticket and to be honest, most of the people there werent’ paying attention to her. We thought at the time she was kinda crazy but now i’m a lady gaga fan.

    1. yeah. I totally agree with you. Its a wedding celebration and after the ceremony people needs to eat. I love Charice and I’m very happy with her many accomplishments right now and how it affects her millions of fans.. 🙂

  2. That’s the beauty of Charice. She has experienced it all. She always sing the same – in front of 2 or 10,000. She never “cheat” at her performances. At an early age, she has this maturity in her, that you always give your best in everything you do. After DF and Oprah took hold of her three years ago, her “life” is in front of the world 24/7. It is an “accapella” life that she lives.
    These videos and her singing contest experiences was the foundation from which she draws on. Definitely the 18 yrs old Charice is lightyears away better than the 12-13 years (?) in this video.

  3. i watched this video before, and yes, the difference between then and now. Charice was amazing here and she is even more amazing now. She has not changed though, as she is still down to earth and unaffected by her celebrity status, and she still gives her all everytime she sings. I love this girl so much.

  4. WOW lucky audience, Charice is giving a full private concert here. I wonder how much she earned here? She is so good and she is like 12 yrs old here? Now fast forward 2010 – she is laughing to the bank:)

  5. This young lady is truly gifted. I’ve been following her since 2007, and I’m happy that the Philippines as well as other countries are slowly becoming a witness to the growth of Charice as a world-class artist.
    I think the video you posted above was filmed during her LBS days (2006), and back then, one can already see the promise she holds. Whatever she is reaping right now is so much deserved by her.

  6. I hope everyone can read all the positive reviews about Charice from Japan, Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta and now soon to from Singapore, I´m certained that every Filipino will be proud of her. A blogger from Indonesia who is an avid fan of Peter Cetera said, that Charice was the best in the group who truly stood out from the concert. He can´t believe how good she really is “live”. He thought the best rendition Charice covered which he heard before was Bodyguard Medley, but he was wrong when he heard All By Myself new version of hers.

  7. Ive watched her concert in MOA last Decemebe 2010.My friend give me a free ticket.Seeing the crowd,shes really a star!

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