1 Night 2 Days – Foreign Workers episode

One of the few Korean TV shows that I enjoy watching is 1ë°•2일 or 1 Night 2 Days (which refers to an overnight vacation), starring Kang Ho Dong (the man who “rediscovered” Charice) and four other Korean comedian/singers: Lee Seu Gun, Lee Seung Gi, Eun Ji Won and Kim Jong Min.
What I love about this show is that I get to see places in Korea that I’ve never been to and I also get to experience again the places I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. And the guys are truly entertaining, especially Kang Ho Dong with his southeastern accent.

1 Night 2 Days - Foreign workers special

This year, their first three episodes was actually a three-episode special featuring foreign workers from Asia as special guests. The first episode was all about meeting the special guests at their workplace and bringing them to Gangwon-do; the second was their adventures in the province; while the concluding episode, shown last Sunday (January 16th) was about the gifts that the show prepared for their guests.
While most TV shows on Korean channels would prefer Caucasians on their program; 1ë°• 2일 chose to have foreign Asian workers as guests. If I remember it correctly, they had a guest from Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia and two from Pakistan. My favorite was the one from Nepal who was partnered with Kang Ho Dong. He was really funny and his Korean is amazing considering that he had been here for only seven months. And I couldn’t even speak as well as he could!
The concluding episode of the foreign workers special made everyone a crybaby. Videos of the each guest’s family back in their homeland were shown. They were also secretly “taken” to Korea to surprise the guests. That episode was a tearjerker and it reminded me how sad it is that sometimes families have to be separated for financial reasons.
If you could catch the show on Youtube, the Korean title would be 1박2일 외국인근로자.


  1. i cried buckets watching this episode….but it also made me wish that they would do a special episode on foreign wives in korea.

    1. Hi Cher! I watched the replay yesterday of the third part yesterday and I enjoyed it like last week. Foreign wives in 1ë°•2일? Won’t that be scandalous? LOL

      1. i watched the replay again a few hours ago and i found myself crying again, that’s how powerful the episode was…..anyway, i was thinking of having foreign wives in the show tpos grouped by country…..hahahaha….tpos eextra na tayo dun for philippines….kkkk.

  2. I can’t understand the conversation as I’ve been here in Korea for only 3 months yet but my heart ached a lot when I watched this episode. It reminds me of the day I departed for Korea. I can’t help but cried when I saw my family (especially my mama and nephew) waving goodbye…

  3. hello. been a lurker here for years and my first time to comment, i really enjoy your blog.
    i’m watching this right now at KBS and i’m crying buckets of tears. really heartwarming episode

  4. I cried alot when i watched this episode. i can’t imagine KBS made such fantastic programme. hope u’ll keep doing great. really really love KBS.

  5. hi,i was browsing the net for 2days and 1 night episode and i got here..lol..maybe it was destiny?lol..i am located here in the philippines and is enjoying the show very much!i stay up late every friday night to watch the show then watch the rerun on sunday..lol..as for this particular episode,i also cried a lot watching that episode.esp with kareuki’s part (teammate of kang hodong).it’s a very heartwarming episode.i must say the show isn’t just a comdey-reality show that showcase korea’s best but a show that has a heart.kudos to director na!
    i wish to visit korea really soon!and hello to you all here..^_^

  6. Such a great episode!
    So heart warming~ <3
    Does anyone know what song is being played in the background just before Sweetbox – Not Different(I Laugh, I Cry)
    This is around 25 minutes into the 1st part of this episode
    Thank you

  7. me from malaysia..
    i love to watching variety show or every thing about KOREA..i hope i can learn more about HANGUK…GOMAPSEUMNIDA!!

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