Korean language for foreign children

Good news for foreigners and multicultural families living in Seoul. The city government along with an education provider will be dispatching Korean language teachers to teach the language to foreign children and multicultural kids (one parent is Korean and the other is foreigner). Families will only have to pay 5,000 won (not clear on the article below if it’s monthly or not).

According to the new program, 200 foreign or multicultural families with children aged between three and 12 can get a home visit language lesson. The program will be expanded to 2,500 families by 2013.
“Teachers will visit the homes once a week and give a one-hour Korean language lesson to not only the children but also the parents if they wish,” city official Park Sang-tae said.
Source: Korean language teachers to visit foreign children

This is really not a new program in Seoul for multicultural families. I have friends whose children receive tutorials on Korean language for free. The Seoul Family Center also offered me a free tutorial on Korean language but I refused since I really don’t have much time.
There will be those who might think that the offer is discriminatory. The reality is that there are people who might benefit from this program. Glad that the government is offering it and at a low cost, too!


  1. very interesting…
    just last week, the bupyeong women’s center called me up, asking if i still want to attend their korean language lessons. i told them we are already residing here in gimpo. but they are willing to make arrangements so just i could study the language if i’m really interested.. gimpo women’s center, on the ohterhand, hasn’t called yet…

  2. That’s great! Wish they had that program before when I was living there. I wonder if they have similar programs in other cities like Pusan or Daegu…

  3. yes, i also know about that programs, my korean teacher here in bupyeong visit me 2 times a week and teaching me 2 hrs for free, she start feb 7 after newyear!!! its verry good for all the mom’s like me i canot go to school to study korean because of my 2yrs old and my 7mos baby, thanks korea…

  4. It’s been a while since I stopped attending classes in Munhwawon due to winter season. This season makes it hard for my MIL to fetch and ferry me from/to the cultural center (we live separately). I also suffer a “migraine attack” when I go out. I am glad that this program has reached our area. I am also particularly glad that the Korean teacher assigned to us can understand English a bit. The other teacher in Munhwawon cannot speak and understand English. The Korean Language lessons are explained in Korean Language also. I am really having a hard time understanding what the teacher is saying. But, still, I am thankful for these free classes.

  5. Hi, I visit your blog once a while – you have done a very good job!
    It is my first comment on your blog.
    I was wondering when will Korea come to terms with calling the children “foreign” just because one of the parents is NOT a Korean – will it help at all?
    How do you guys coup with it in the first place or have you compromised with this situation?
    Don’t you think that while growing up these children are / will be discriminated more often than not by the peer groups etc. for the mere reason of being ‘foreign’ that has many negative connotations in the Korean context.
    Thank you!

  6. Hello Sarah! Please allow me to share my opinion.
    If one of the parents is NOT a Korean, their children are called multicultural children. This Korean Language for foreign children is one of the programs initiated by the Korean Government to support multicultural children as well as foreign children to help them adjust in their environment.
    We cope up with our environment through embracing our husband’s culture, adjusting to it, and avail of every beneficial program of the government.
    As for peer discrimination while growing up, I believe that learning the Korean culture and language very well coupled with proper upbringing will serve as effective weapon against it.
    Have a happy day! 😉

  7. i have ‘multi-cultural’ kids, who don’t speak Korean, but I would love for them to learn. I thought full immersion would be best if I took them over to Seoul for the summer – visit some relatives – but have them take a Korean language class. Their ages range from 7-12 and I was wondering if anyone knew of a summer program for non-native korean/american kids. suggestions?

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