Willie Revillame's "macho dancer" jest

I admit that I watch Filipino shows but never would I waste my time watching variety shows like “Willing Willie”. I just couldn’t stomach the sight of their conceited host who takes advantage of the poor “masa”. Anyway, have you heard of “Jan-jan” and Willie Revillame labeling the six-year old child’s dance as “pang-macho dancer”.
To quote Willie: “nagsasayaw siya bilang isang macho dancer sa edad niyang yan para sa kanyang mahal na pamilya.” The boy was in tears while dancing provocatively and in between the audience is shown enjoying the show. I couldn’t help but cringe. Willie even said that it was like in the movie “Burlesque Queen” where the heroine was dancing while in tears and she had to do it (the sexy dancing) for the sake of her loved ones. Then he laughed his devious laughter as if it was something funny. Willie asked the boy to dance several times during the segment.
How low can we get? Here’s AntiPinoy’s take on the issue.
Updated: 2011.03.29 – Removed video.


  1. honestly, when i read about this new issue against willie i curiously looked for that video on youtube. watched it but didn’t see anything wrong. i don’t watch willie’s shows (have no time and i have work) but have probably watched it a few times for about a few minutes. he always does this thing so i thought that it’s just an ordinary laughing thing. it’s always like that, he and the audience become hilarious at something odd like this.
    when willie commented “nagsasayaw siya bilang isang macho dancer sa edad niyang yan para sa kanyang mahal na pamilya.” the words simply passed thru my right ear. eh kasi naman, i’m used to hearing punchlines like these from our local hosts/comediennes.
    when spaghetti and otso-otso dance steps became popular years back how many millions of pinoy parents found delight in seeing their little girls and little gays gyrating on tv, on stage, in basketball court, in street corners, and so on. those steps were sexier than this little boy’s “macho dance.” and what is macho dance by the way? i see young people doing these steps on tv.
    i don’t like willie. i find him obnoxious. but this time i don’t see him evil. if you watch the video, he didn’t ask the boy to perform a macho dance. the boy prepared for his number. he even said that it was his father who taught him the steps. he wasn’t crying because willie forced him to do that “malicious” steps. before he danced, he was already crying. in my observation, he was crying because he was emotional. and why was he emotional? that’s because the kid understands the hardships that his parents are going through to survive their family; that he’s happy (despite the tears) he got the chance to join in that show; that he’s going to bring some money to his parents when he goes home.
    i know some people will react negatively on my opinion and may even think i’m insensitive. they can’t blame me. this thing has become a common sight, a part of pinoys daily lives. unless they haven’t seen mothers clapping, with a big smile on their faces seeing their little kids dancing sexily. i often see this thing. not just on tv. it’s everywhere. so when i see stuff like this “wala lang.”

    1. I agree with you…maybe it was just a tears of joy…Anyway I think theyre just making a big deal of it..Ano ba?para malihis na naman ang balita kaloka na talaga ang Pinas…grrrrrrrrrrrr

      1. When it comes to human rights most especially to child’s right, extra care must be exercised. There’s no such thing as making a big fuss out of it. everyone is EXPECTED to deal with children with much care because they’re innocent and need guidance as to what is right and wrong. Btw, how can you know for yourselves why the boy was crying? were you on his shoe? your comment doesnt only show your insensitivity but even you’re being biased.

        1. yeah some people are saying that this jan-jan incident was just blown out of proportion, that people are over-reacting, that it’s a matter of crab mentality, that those who oppose this incident is just being pushed by ABS-CBN (which i think is totally absurd!), and lastly that there are far better problems that filipinos should look into…..what these people don’t get is the concern here is about the rights of a child(which more often than not gets abused for the sake of entertainment, money, and power)…we should always make a big fuss about it because if we don’t, then the future generation will be doomed.

          1. children’s rights should never be considered less important because that child could have been your own son/daughter, your brother/sister, your grandchild, the future citizens of a country….if we don’t know how to protect the rights of a child we hold no future.

      2. Common sense would have dictated you that the reason the boy was crying is because he doesn’t like what he’s doing. But you reasoned out to yourself using your biased judgement, that the boy cried because he realized the hardship of his parents and they were tears of joy. If I were to make a list of my speculation why the boy cried, what the two of you have said would be far from my top 10 list.

    2. You have become desensitized to it. I need not worry then. If Datu Andal keeps killing many more journalists I won’t find the next one as disturbing anymore.

    3. “Alas! The whole misfortune of the present Filipinos consists in that they have become only half-way brutes. The Filipino is convinced that to get happiness it is necessary for him to lay aside his dignity as a rational creature, to attend mass, to believe what is told him… without aspiring anything… without protesting against any injustice…any insult… that is, not to have heart, brain, or spirit; a creature with arms and a purse of gold. . . there’s the ideal native!.”
      – The Indolence of the Filipinos by José Rizal, 1890
      Pepe never had an idea how his statement would stand for more than a century.

    4. “i know some people will react negatively on my opinion and may even think i’m insensitive. they can’t blame me. this thing has become a common sight, a part of pinoys daily lives.”
      From reading your comment, I gather that you are aware that what happened to the kid was wrong. You just happen to have the automatic blind eye. Would you like it if Willie treats you that way – even at your age? (Hey, there’s money in return. And 15 minutes of fame. Think about it.)
      If you are aware of what’s right and what’s wrong, but chooses to ignore the wrong when it happens, then it is YOUR fault. You are to blame for YOUR choices. Learn to be accountable for your decisions and not throw the blame to the society. Sure, the society can influence you, but what is your brain for if you cannot make your own choices? Do you accept the fate of being just another drone?
      “he even said that it was his father who taught him the steps. he wasn’t crying because willie forced him to do that “malicious” steps. before he danced, he was already crying.”
      Right. And all that Willie did was point out that the kid is macho-dancing, make fun of the situation that was laid out before him, and make the kid do the dancing again and again. Never mind if it scars the kid forever. Or cause him to grow up with substandard morals and pass down the macho-dancing skills to his children. Everyone thinks it’s fun anyway. Hahaha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
      “he was crying because he was emotional. and why was he emotional? that’s because the kid understands the hardships that his parents are going through to survive their family; that he’s happy (despite the tears) he got the chance to join in that show; that he’s going to bring some money to his parents when he goes home.”
      So… it’s okay to subject a child to emotional stress so long as he brings home the bacon? Wow. Wowowee.

  2. Hi Ms. Betchay,
    I understand how bad you feel about this video. I’m also not a fan of this host. But I’m sorry. I think it would be better not to repost the video. Just my opinion. No offense intended. ^^

  3. Willie just released a statement saying he’ll never do that to the poor…I can’t believe the gall of this person..sasabihin na yung ginagawa ng show nila e para makatulong sa mga mahihirap?! Sabi nga ni Dinky, may ibang paraan para makatulong sa mga mahihirap, hindi yung ganyan na kelangan i-exploit sila. Nakakainis talaga!

  4. Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion so here’s my take on this issue.I think Ms. Betchay you should try at least once to watch Willing Willie so that it might broaden your bad judgement towards Mr.Revillame.(He’s taking advantage of the “Masa” as you said)If you haven’t watched the show you have no right to say to the public that he is indeed taking advantage of the poor Filipino.Anyway, Crab Mentality has always been Filipinos known for.

    1. Ms. Betchay has seen the video. She posted it. She’s kind enough to listen to other people’s opinion that’s why she deleted the re-post of the video.

    2. @karla: i think you were too harsh….you already said it “Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion”…so if betchay thinks Willie’s actions were totally inappropriate just let it be…because IT’S HER OPINION and it’s her blog anyway! one more thing even if we do live abroad we do watch filipino tv shows via live streaming…so we do know what we are talking about when we voice out our dislike for Willie’s antics on the show.

      1. Ms. Cher please do mind that I said if Ms. Betchay haven’t watch the show…that’s why I said that she doesn’t have the right to say that Mr. Revillame using the poor masa.Anyway,there is a comment box that’s why I also voice out my opinion.If there isn’t a comment section then I will just keep it to myself.

    3. I’ve seen Wowowee when I was on vacation in the US. My mom tunes in to TFC the whole day! I just need a glimpse of Willing Willie to know that the concept of the show is similar with the former. And I love the Philippines so much that I really wish people would read Antipinoy and learn! ;p
      I don’t get the crab mentality part, but I know about the sheep mentality ;p

      1. Ms. Betchay I’m sorry if I offended you.I’m just hurt that you said Mr. Revillame is using the poor Filipinos because even if you watch Willing Willie every night doesn’t mean you’re sure that he’s taking advantage of the poor Masa.But yeah this is your blog and I shouldn’t oppose to your opinion.

        1. Hi Karla! I’m not offended at all and your opposing view is welcome. We just have a difference in opinion. And it’s healthy to voice out our opinion no matter how unpopular it is.
          I’ve received opposing views on this blog. I’ve been called names several times and yet I don’t delete those comments. I would only edit out invectives no matter to whom they’re directed to. I’m not a very “sensitive” person who easily gets hurt. BTW, thank you for sharing your opinion. Have a nice day… I’m off to work ;p

  5. ahem… sorry makikisingit lang po… broaden your bad judgement? ouch naman! This is her blog, remember?

    1. talaga namang judgemental siya..you should watch the show from the start before you make some stupid comments,mga malisyosong aso!!!

  6. ganyan talaga si willie revillame., laging nangpapahiya ng tao., di ko nga alam kung bakit sikat na sikat yan. kahit mga sikat na artista pinapahiya nya.

  7. D2 kc stn s ‘pnas, naghahanap tau ng masisisi wen all things fail. Tan0ng ko, may pumapansin kya k jan2x b4 xa lumabas s wiling- willie? May 2mul0ng kya s knya? Heto c willie, napansin c jan2x, kumil0s xa pra mk2l0ng. may pumuna s gnwa nyang pg2l0ng. Den npansin n ntn c jan2x dahil k willie. So irresp0nsible of us! Klngan pb gni2 mngyari bago tayo 2mul0ng? Bkt b may mga ganit0ng sh0w? Kc gus2 rin nla mk2l0ng. Unang-una, ayaw nman pla ntn mkta ang isang bata na ngssayaw s tv pra mkta ng mily0n2x manunuod, bkt hnayaan ntn pumunta p un bata at mgulang nung bata s sh0w ni willie? Don’t blame Willie only! Lahat tayo guilty…especially our g0vernment. Dapat b4 lumabas ang mga bata s sh0ws na gni2, dapat iniscreen muna nla at iobliga nla mgulang na kumuha permit. Sna pg may kakilala tau s neighb0rh0od ntn n k2lad ni jan2x, let’s try 2 help him in our own little way. Pagpayuhan n rin ntn cla, ung mga parents nla. If dey d0n’t listen, nxt step wud be our g0vernment kc if may batas n gnun, pgdaan p lng s g0vernment at di nkapasa mgulang nla, di n cla mkkalabas s gni2ng sh0w.

  8. Bottom line: Wg lng ntn ipukol k Willie ang sisi. Bka balikan nya tau at itan0ng, “eh ikaw an0 gnwa m0 pra mk2l0ng?” May mggwa nman tau. Wg n lng ntn hntayin ang iba na 2mul0ng muna bago tau kumil0s.

  9. “he always does this thing so i thought that it’s just an ordinary laughing thing.”
    “Dapat b4 lumabas ang mga bata s sh0ws na gni2, dapat iniscreen muna nla at iobliga nla mgulang na kumuha permit.”
    And who is in the immediate position to do this? It’s the show. Come on, what could we have done to stop it? It already happened that’s why we heard of it. We were not in the studio when it happened. Who among us could have stopped it?
    There are existing rules and procedures that should be followed prior to putting a child on TV, especially if the kid is going to be employed. Permits and clearances from DSWD are required. I just don’t know (who does?) if the show acquired the necessary papers to put kids on the floor. The thing is, with or without papers, the program is a live show. It is very difficult to control what transpires on TV in real time. (Willie’s “erection incident” during a live TV bikini contest is a testament to that. And so is the jumping old lady’s wardrobe malfunction in Wowowee.) Even in a highly-controlled environment, shit happens. And when it does, we do things so that it doesn’t happen again. Crying foul over the kiddie macho dancer incident is one way of doing something so that it doesn’t happen again.
    If I remember it right, the entire production staff (even the station) is being reprimanded for this incident. It’s just that Willie Revillame is taking the most hit because he is the face of the show and he was the one who did the commenting while the kid was dancing/crying. That’s beside his reputation. But we don’t judge this incident by Willie’s reputation. It’s bad because… it’s bad. It shouldn’t have been done, no matter who stood there, held the mic, and talked.
    Later reports say that the kid was scared of Bonel Balingit prior to his onscreen time, hence the crying. Still, it is disturbing to watch it. Willie’s comment is disturbing. The fact that not a single adult out of all those that were present in the studio did not have the inkling to stabilize the kid’s emotion before putting him on cam is disturbing. The fact that they let the kid go through a painful emotion – to make it worse, for the entire nation to see, for the sake of comedy is disturbing. The fact that the father taught the kid to macho dance is disturbing. That the relatives are justifying it is disturbing. And that many Pinoys are already desensitized to such improper treatment of/behavior by minors is even more disturbing.
    I get it that more and more Pinoys are getting used to seeing this cheap circus everyday, but it’s not an excuse to not hold on to the right things though. Sexy dancing (ocho-ocho, etc.) by kids is not right. It definitely doesn’t make the recent Willie Revillame misstep right, either. Two wrongs don’t make a right, remember? The prior wrongs STILL does not justify this recent one. Please, don’t make the ill-treatment of people, especially of kids become a “normal” thing in our society.
    And yes, me voicing out my sentiments on this issue is my little way of joining and helping form the big, collective voice who cry foul at this incident.
    I won’t fold if Willie Revillame asks me in return if I have done something for our society. I can provide him with a long list for that. His list may be longer, but at least I don’t have “exploitation” to counter all that for me. Nor “turning a blind eye” or “sucking it up because it looks like it’s the norm these days.”
    “Pagpayuhan n rin ntn cla, ung mga parents nla. If dey d0n’t listen, nxt step wud be our g0vernment kc if may batas n gnun, pgdaan p lng s g0vernment at di nkapasa mgulang nla, di n cla mkkalabas s gni2ng sh0w.”
    The parents justified Jan-Jan’s TV humiliation. (Bad parents, I know. Misinformed, at the very least. I’m curious as to what set of values they were brought up with.) Last I’ve heard, DSWD is doing something about it. Although, probably just like you, I have little faith on this government agency’s actions, but hey at least they didn’t ignore it. What’s for us to do? How about we keep crying foul over this incident, make it heard even more and compel the government to follow through? Isn’t that the kind of action you’re asking for? Come on. Join the collective voice who opposes this kind of practice. Our message is not just for Mr. Revillame. Bato-bato sa langit, ang lahat ng tamaan sana matauhan.
    I hope that this incident will become a lesson not just for media practitioners and entertainers, but for everyone as well. This is a challenge to our judgement, our morals, and our will to help change our society for the better. No matter how hopeless it may seem, I hope that we stop turning on each other for blame and stop turning a blind eye on foul things such as this. We can blame each other endlessly, but what can it fix? Definitely, too, ignoring the evil in this incident cannot fix anything.

  10. Of course,DSWD did not ignore this issue simple because they have other motives and of course,they have been influenced by willie’s detractors to ghet involve..you are writing a long comment pero stupid naman..go back to school and get some education!!! u moron!!!

    1. Learn proper spelling and grammar, and some netiquette first. And then let’s discuss who the moron is.

    2. Didn’t I say “I have little faith on this government agency’s actions”? Sa Filipino: “Kaunti lamang ang pananampalataya ko sa mga pagkilos ng sangay ng pamahalaang ito.”
      Mabuti pang bumalik ka sa paaralan at mag-aral muli ng pagbabasa at tamang pag-unawa upang matutong huwag magbitaw ng mga kumentong hindi napag-iisipan. Sa pagkumento mo nang mali sa mga sinabi ko, para kang dumura pataas para lamang dumapo sa sarili mong mukha ang laway mo.
      Hindi sa umaayon ako sa iyo, pero hindi ako sing-tanga ng inaakala mo na bulag na naniniwala sa mga sarswela ng gobyerno. “Other motives?” Natural lang naman na ang tao ay kumilos nang may pansariling motibo. Kahit saan ka bumaling mayroong pulitika. Malay ko ba? Baka kabahagi ka ng partido ni G. Revillame kaya ganyan na lamang ang pagtatanggol mo sa kanya? Ka-pulitika ka marahil ni Revillame.
      “influenced by willie’s detractors?” Matanong ko lang, bahagi ka ba ng DSWD para mapatotohanan itong haka-hakang ito? Kung magsalita ka, parang naroon ka sa lahat ng sulok ng kanilang tanggapan noong magdesisyon silang kumilos bilang tugon sa ginawa ni Willie Revillame. Hindi ko ipinagtatanggol ang DSWD o kung ano mang tanggapan. Kinukwestiyon ko ang kaalaman mo tungkol sa mga usaping nakabalot sa kontrobersiyang ito. Mangyaring magpaliwanag ka? O magpatotoo? Maraming napapahiya at napapahamak sa pakikinig sa haka-haka. Hindi katangahan ang magduda. Pero ang tawaging tanga ang iba base sa iyong paniniwalang walang sapat na katibayan… hindi ba’t lalong katangahan, kung hindi kapalaluan, iyon sa iyong parte?
      Kung walang gagawin ang pamahalaan sa usaping ito, tatawagin silang pabaya. Ngayong kumilos sila, mapapel, wala sa lugar, mapulitika at OA naman sila. Aba naman, saan naman lulugar ang mga tao sa inyo? Mapa-pula, mapa-puti, masama. Ang sa akin lamang, kahit may kaakibat man na pulitikal o personal na dahilan ang mga kumikilos sa usaping ito, natutuwa na rin ako dahil kahit papaano ay gumagana ang buwis na binabayaran ng mga taongbayan sa pagkilos nila. Hindi ako nagbabayad ng buwis para lamang masiyahang panoorin silang mga nasa gobyerno na sayangin ang pinagpaguran ko sa pamamagitan ng hindi pagpansin sa mga anay na sumisira sa lipunang kinabibilangan ko. Oo na’t maraming mas mabibigat na problemang kailangang harapin ang gobyerno, pero hindi ibig sabihin noon ay hindi na rin dapat aasikasuhin ang mga bagay gaya nito.
      May mga tao nga namang iniisip na ayos lamang paglaruan ang pagkatao ng kapwa kapalit ng pera. Kagaya mo. Hindi na inisip na may mga paraang mabuti upang makatulong. Namigay nga ng pera si Willie Revillame, namahiya naman ng paslit na hind makakasagot sa masasamang biro niya. Para niyang hinalay ang pagkatao noong bata. Pero sa mga mata ng kagaya mo, oks lang ‘yon, hindi ba?
      Kayong mga nagtatanggol kay Willie Revillame.. nangingilabot akong isipin na maaaring ang mga taong kagaya ninyo ang kumakatawan na sa karamihan ng mga Pilipino. Mula sa pananaw tungkol sa moralidad hanggang sa kaluwagan ng dila sa pagmumura… ano’ng uri ng pagkatao mayroon kayo – nakakalungkot isipin. Nakakatawa ring ang mga taong may ganyang gawi ang may gana pang magmataas at manghamak ng iba samantalang kapos ang pag-unawa. Nawa’y walang mga paslit sa paligid ninyo na maaaring lumaking mapatulad sa inyong mga gawi at pag-iisip.
      If you truly represent the collective Filipino kamalayan, then the Filipino is indeed for sale.

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