Watch out for Wandeugi

Wandeugi is a Korean movie that is yet to be shown. It stars Yoo Ah-In of Sungkyunkwan Scandal as the main lead. Wandeugi is a famous novel in Korea that was first published in 2008. The screen adaptation will be shown in October.
Why do we need to watch out for it? Too bad, WP doesn’t support a spoiler tag like that of PEX ;p Anyway, a Filipina is included in the cast. Need proof?

Wandeugi - starring Yoo Ah In with Jasmine Lee
Wandeugi - starring Yoo Ah In with Jasmine Lee

I got that info from Hancinema’s Wandeugi page.
Jasmine Lee was in the movie “Secret Reunion” with Kang Dong-Won and Song Kang-Ho. Her role as a Vietnamese immigrant to Korea exposed her for about 4 minutes in the film. In Wandeugi, she plays the role of Wandeuk’s mom – a Filipina! By the way, how can Jasmine be Yoo Ah In’s mom when she’s only in her early 30’s and she even looks a lot younger than her age? She should’ve been his love interest ;p
So let’s all watch out for Wandeugi next month! Hopefully, they could show it with English subs in major cinemas in Seoul ;p


  1. Nice info here. Salamat.
    I have seen her in Secret Reunion during the Korean Film Fest by the Korean Cultural Center (KCC) in the Philippines. I also saw her in one of the KCC AVPs where she was included for Tourism themed AVP.

  2. I got to know more about her when i arrived here in korea. I always admire her bcoz she’s smart, determined and always seems so bright. I am so grateful to know Jasmine’s site teaching Korean into tagalog. Kudos to you.

  3. wow! congratulations to Ms. Jasmine. I agree, she looks too young to be Yoo Ah In’s mom but then again, us Filipinas always look younger than our age. I hope I’ll be able to watch it in the future.

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