Holidays in Korea and the Philippines in 2012

I had received a couple of calendars and planners during the first week of December. Too bad that I left them all at home, but I noted some of the holidays in Korea for next year. If you’re planning to go to the Korean Embassy next year, remember that they observe the holidays both in the Philippines and in Korea. The same can be said of the Philippine Embassy in South Korea. Remember to mark the dates so you can plan your trip to the embassies mentioned.
List of Korean holidays in 2012:
January 1 Sunday New Year’s Day
January 22 Sunday Seollal – day 1
January 23 Monday Seollal – day 2
January 24 Tuesday Seollal – day 3
March 1 Thursday Independence Day Movement
May 5 Saturday Children’s Day
May 28 Monday Buddha’s Birthday
June 6 Wednesday Memorial Day
August 15 Wednesday Independence Day
September 29 Saturday Chuseok – day 1
September 30 Sunday Chuseok – day 2
October 1 Monday Chuseok – day 3
October 3 Wednesday National Foundation Day
December 25 Tuesday Christmas Day
List of Philippine holidays in 2012:
Regular Holidays
January 1 Sunday New Year’s Day
April 5 Thursday Maundy Thursday
April 6 Friday Good Friday
April 9 Monday Araw ng Kagitingan
May 1 Tuesday Labor Day
June 12 Tuesday Independence Day
August 27 Monday National Heroes Day
November 30 Friday Bonifacio Day
December 25 Tuesday Christmas Day
December 30 Sunday Rizal Day
Special (Non-Working) Days
January 23 Monday Chinese New Year
August 21 Tuesday Ninoy Aquino Day
November 1 Thursday All Saints Day
November 2 Friday Additional special (non-working) day
December 31 Monday Last Day of the Year
Special Holiday (for all schools)
February 25 Saturday EDSA Revolution Anniversary
There you go. It’s never too early to mark your calendars. The year 2012 is less than a week away!


  1. so both the koreans and the philippines have only one day off on New Year holiday? ps.: it’d be great if you could write a post on how NY is celebrated in Korea.. thanx!!

  2. Hello Ms Betchay!! ^ ^
    A happy new year to you and your family!! šŸ˜€
    And wow, a useful list of dates to share!
    Shall note down some dates you wrote! šŸ˜›
    May there be Better things in 2012!! ^ ^

  3. At first Happy New Year from India. I am waiting to read some amusement you enjoyed during on the eve of 1st day of New Year

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