Starbucks 2013 Planner (Korea version)

It’s the 3rd day of December and we only have 28 days left before we celebrate the new year – 2013! The Starbucks 2013 Planner could help you “plan” your year ;p Hope all your plans will materialize in the coming year.
What’s in the Starbucks Planner, Korean version? It’s available in 2 sizes (normal and handy) and in 2 colors: black and orange. It comes with a belt with the Starbucks logo and a Starbucks mini-notebook. Inside you’ll find a 2013 and 2014 calendar, monthly planner, daily planner, free note, memo, Starbucks coupons and 411 on coffee.
To get a planner, you need to collect 17 stickers and exchange it for one planner. They are also available in limited quantity at Starbucks stores all over Korea.

The Starbucks Korea 2013 Planner

Or through this blog giveaway that will run from December 3rd 12:01 AM KST until December 9th 11:59 PM KST. Just write a comment about a major 2013 plan and click on the Rafflecopter below…
One winner will be chosen through the Rafflecopter module. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Since I’m leaving my job here in the city by the end of the year, hopefully, I’ll find a job in our province in 2013.

  2. I’ve been writing songs and I hope I get it done by the end of the year. Next year, I’ll be submitting my records to some recording companies or agencies. I might be everywhere so I need to plans things ahead beacuse there’s a great chance that I’ll be making appointments with my contacts. 🙂

  3. My main plab/goal in 2013 is to get pregnant. I just lost my twin babies and I will not give up. Plan ahead to attain such goal 🙂

  4. My plan is to finish my Masters degree despite the very hectic schedule and the unfavorable proximity of the campus from my home/workplace.
    //And I hope my Masters degree can help me get a job in KR. I wanna move there! 🙂 //

  5. My Major 2013 Plan is to enrol into MBA in Australia & hopefully land my dream job in JYPE Korea someday in the near future! Do hopes and dreams do come true. =)

  6. My major plan for 2013 is to spend a 2 weeks vacation to Korea (Jeju island tour included) because i truly enjoyed my 1st time visit to Seoul last November. Have to work harder to save for that.

  7. My major plan for 2013 is to go back to school to study a master’s degree. Wishing, hoping and praying for it!

  8. Major plan is to have at least 2 weeks vacation in the Philippines on summer 2013 after almost 2 years of staying here in Korea. 🙂

  9. My major plan for the year 2013 is my retirement and I hope i can have my grand vacation next year.

  10. 2012 had been pretty rough on me and for 2013, I’d love to discover myself more and hopefully be able to pursue my interests and do the things which I really enjoy. 🙂

  11. I am hoping 2013 will be the start of better things for me. I am planning to take my Master Studies. I also hope I can go back to Korea in November and experience autumn at its best. ~~^___^

  12. to be hired on my first job to practice my profession and to travel local or abroad.

  13. What’s your major plan for 2013? to go back to Seoul… I went alone last April by next yeari want to go with my hubby =)

  14. I really hope I can get admission to my favourite business school in the UK and start my Masters there!

  15. My plan for this coming year is to enter college and be an Architecture student 🙂 Hope I win this prize. I badly want any stuffs from korea !!! HAHAHA :))

  16. My major, major 2013 plan is to be able to visit Korea and go around the country by train. kkk I was influenced by my Korean student who have done it last spring. =)

  17. My friends and I are planning to visit Korea next summer! Just thinking about it makes me happy already! 🙂

  18. Hi Ms.Betchay!
    It’s been a while since I last visited this site. I miss this blog so much!
    Anyway, my plans for 2013 is to travel. I’m planning to visit Hongkong and Singapore, and hopefully travel to Korea again. 🙂
    God bless to you and your family!

  19. My major plan for 2013 is to visit South Korea for the first time. My sister and I will tour around Seoul and Jeju Island for 3 weeks this coming February 2013 in order to visit drama locations, famous Korean attractions and experience Korean culture. At the same time, we’ll also travel other Asian countries ( Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam, and lastly our homeland, the Philippines). Our year 2013 with be filled with lots of surprises and adventures! Wish us luck! 🙂

  20. Major plan for 2013? Study harder, coz it’s really hard for us college student to do that. Hehe. And I hope, I’ll spend my 2013 vacation or christmas in Korea or Japan.

  21. my major plan for 2013: become MRS. EDWIN BLANCO and start my own family … and if God permits – meet a KPOP star 🙂

  22. my major plan would be my malaysia-thailand-singapore trip on March 2013 and another trip to seoul by November 2013^^

  23. My major plan for 2013 is to learn Spanish, to write a screenplay and lastly to be able to give something back by being a volunteer again for the United Nations online.

  24. Plan for 2013! Lose some weight I gained when I was in Korea and to pass the TOPIK Intermediate Level exam! 🙂

  25. My major plans for 2013 hmmmmmmmm…
    1st to find what makes my life
    2nd to find what can i write on my planner
    3rd to write everyday that “smile is the simplest thing a human could enjoy”
    And many more hope it can fit in the planner cause m 100th is too see the world.
    MErry Christmas and advance HAppy new YEAR too all ^-^

  26. I only have two major plans for next year as I write this: first is to graduate on March, and to get a job that I look forward to everyday. 🙂

  27. Major plan? More of a wish, actually. I hope I’d be able to complete all my INC subjects and pass the rest of my subjects. :))

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