From October 10th, SUPERSTAR K6 will be broadcast live from the CJ Studio in Ilsan. From October 31st, the live broadcast will be held at the Peace Auditorium of Kyunghee University (my neighborhood!)
I posted a few days ago the way on how to vote for MICA by online voting. If that seems too tedious or impossible, you could also vote for MICA by SMS ~ thanks again to MICA Hearts for the tip.
Just check these simple rules:
~ 1 vote costs 100 won
~ send the name of the candidate to #0199
~ you can vote for multiple candidates
~ but you cannot vote for one candidate multiple times
~ if a vote is sent to one candidate several times, only one vote is counted (but the phone will be charged the same number of times!)
~ only Hangeul is accepted
~ you can only vote during the live broadcast
The live broadcast on October 10th starts at 11 p.m., Korea time. It will be shown live on Mnet, KM and tVN channels.
So during the live broadcast, please vote for MICA by typing
sending it to #0199
Let’s volt in!
Thank you so much again Ms Betchay 🙂
— Dee, aka @mica_hearts
And I will vote guys… I hope you can make it…!!!
good bless you… more power dont give up guys…
God bless.. more power dont give up guys.. I will keep on voting until end…