These are things that every married immigrant living in Korea should know:

You should be careful and cautious towards a stranger who offers to solve problems easily regarding stay, remittance or finding a job.
When you want to know about information regarding extension of stay, visa change, application of permanent residency/ naturalization or action for divorce, consult with the following organizations first:
1345 (Immigration Contact Service for Foreigners)
1577-1366 (Danuri Call Center) Counseling Center for Migrant Women , Support Center for Foreign Workers, or Migrant Welfare Center
When you are consulted by a profit making individual or organization like lawyer, public administration attorney or travel agenc, check their business card, office location, contact number and the contract carefully. Pay any free through bank remittance (account transfer) and keep the receipt. (In case you lose the bank transfer receipt, you can request account transaction history.)
Manage Personal Information
- You must manage your identification documents ( alien registration card , passport , etc), bankbook, mobile phone, and health insurance card by yourself,
- You should not lend these items to others (If you lose these items, you must report to the police related organization immediately.)
- You must make copies or take pictures of important documents such as alien registration card and passport.
- If you are married to a Korean, after making alien registration card, you should visit your district office and request to add your alien registration number to “family registrar” and marriage registrar.
Learn and follow the Korean Laws
Husband and wife have the duty to live together , provide support , be loyal and cooperate with each other.
* If you hit your child(ren) or are not looking after them properly, you may be punished for child abuse.
* No one can force you to pregnancy, childbirth, abortion and artificial insemination, and you have the right to refuse.
* Domestic violence and sexual violence among family members (including de facto marriage) are considered as crimes that can be punished.
* If you can not maintain your marriage any longer, you can end your relationship through divorce by agreement or divorce trail. When a victim requests divorce trial,she may receive national legal aid depending on her financial circumstance.
* If you are told to leave your home or need a separation from your spouse, request counseling with the Multicultural Family Support Center or Counseling Center for Migrant Women first before making any decisions.
* In case you divorce in Korea, you must prepare documents according to your home country divorce procedure.
* In the case where a foreign woman gives birth without marriage to a Korean she is not allowed to register the birth by Korean Law , (If the child’s father is Korean but the mother is not married to him , she may file a lawsuit to register the birth in Korea.)
* If your Korean Spouse dies during your marriage , you must receive counseling first and do not sign any documents you do not understand. It is important to follow the correct procedure related to a spouse’s death . Mistakenly signing documents can be problematic not only for inheritance of assets, but can also lead to inheritance of debt . You must check all documents carefully and ask for a trusted source to provide translation or explanation if you do not understand.
How to respond to domestic violence (Check selected organizations phone number)
1. when you call 112 to report domestic violence, police officers will tush to the scene, If you need translation assistance, call 1577-1366 and receive help.
2. Police officer can take temporary emergency measure which includes issuing a restraining order.
3. If you wish to punish the offender , report the crime and the case will be processed as a criminal and family protection case.
4. If the case has been processed as a family protection case, the offender report the crime may receive punishment such as fine or mandatory counseling.
5.Victim can request she be moved to a protection facility (shelter)
6. Accompanied child(dren) can move their nurseries, schools , etc in secrecy.
How to respond to SEXUAL VIOLENCE (CHECK selected Organizations Phone Number)
* Regardless of visa status , a sexual violence victim can receive medical treatment, request an investigations and file a lawsuit.
* The Sexual violence counseling center or counseling center for migrant women provides supports for making a police report, investigation or trial process , Victims can receive assistance regarding medical treatment , law and shelter,
* In case of rape , it is important to seek emergency medical attention within 72 hours so that evidence can be collected through a medical examination .
* If the victim chooses she nay enter a migrant women protection facility (shelter) or a sexual violence victim shelter to receive support for basic living,counseling, legal actions,and transition to independent living
* call 112 or 1577-1366 for assistance
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