Korean Hana Yori Dango casting

The much-awaited announcement of the casting of the Korean version of “Hana Yori Dango” has been overshadowed by the apparent suicide of topstar Choi Jin Sil. The Korean version is titled “Kkot Boda Namja” and will be shown in December as KBS2’s Monday-Tuesday drama.
Lee Min Ho takes the role of Tsukasa. SS501 member Kim Hyun Joong is cast as Hanazawa Rui. Super-duper cutie Kim Beom (or Kim Bum) is Soujiro, while newcomer Kim Joon is Akira.
No announcement had been made for the lead female star.


  1. lols… i think hyunjoong will make a good hanazawa rui ^^ it will fit his character because rui is the quiet type who doesn’t express much of his feelings……. >>> hyunjoong is like that in ‘we got married’ i don’t know in real life tho eheh awws why can’t hwangbo be in the series too .. she can play the girlfriend part… who’s a model in france ahaha that would be so cool whahaha wishful thinking but yeah ;D

  2. now i know why i never watched the taiwan and japan ones! i’m definitely going to wait for this 🙂
    btw, i like your blog … i’m a self-proclaimed k-drama addict … and it’s quite interesting reading about these from a pinoy writer …
    yeah, yeah, i know i sound like a high school student … but what to do? i’m obsessed! hahaha
    inyangs last blog post..PHOTOHUNT: Scary

  3. man…i luv all the version of hana yori dango…and i expect the better from the korean version..i’m waiting for the female lead…wonder who it’ll be…

  4. hi!im watching hana yori dango korean version and i think so far so good!
    characters have similarities with the taiwanese actors!!
    love it!!

  5. I loved HYD japan and so far I am loving HYD korea. They guys are just toooo hot hot,Kim Hyun Joong is phewwww and that girl is hilarious.
    HYD japan and Korean is the best. HYD Taiwan was a bit dragging ,special HYD2…but in was okey.
    Heading back to mysoju for the excitement. Sayonnara/xxx
    Daggers05s last blog post..‘Tis the season for gift sets

  6. i also watch the 2 HYD. they are okey, but im waiting for this version, the korean versio. i think it also kakilig. even im not a teenager. i feel that when i remember the story. so cool to inlove again in drama.

  7. I am in love with the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango, because the story is very breath taking and heart warming. Everything is 99% perfect except that I did not saw the lead actress in wedding dress but anyway this is my number 1 series of all. Keep up the good work and I hope that you be able to create Part 2 of the series. Good luck!

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