Boys Over Flowers OST Part 2

The first OST of the Korean drama “Boys Over Flowers” was released two months ago in January. The second OST of the said highly-popular Mon-Tue drama in Korea will ship on March 24th! I’ve already pre-ordered one… watch out for the contest 🙂
The disc track includes:
1. Say Yes
2. Wish Ur My Luv
3. 아쉬운 마음인걸
4. 애인만들기
5. 어떡하죠
6. Love is Fire
7. Love U
8. 사랑같은 거
9. 눈물이 난다
10. Cellogic
11. 다가가다
12. 낯선 해
13. 사랑을 위하여


  1. wow! another give-away!! that’s soo generous of you to your readers..i can’t wait for the contest!!
    I always watch their drama on KBS.. I super love their soundtrack!! Hope i’ll win this time =)
    By the way, I added you to my blogroll.. Hope you dont mind..
    khymms last blog post..My Makeup Haul..

  2. another contest!
    i hope i’ll win this time.
    i was really hoping for the desktop calendar..
    unfortunately, it’s not destined to be mine..hehehe..
    btw, where do you live in Korea??
    rikkas last blog post..lee minho

  3. I like the SPECIAL EDITION EP, after OST 2, referred as OST 2.5 since T-Max’s “Fight the Bad Feeling (ballad version)” is a sweet song (and seems to get popular each day), however the romanized lyrics to it has not released. Who here chase BOF up to ep.20-21? Then you know what I’m talking about during ep.20 this song blends in the scene when JD is JP’s maid.

  4. Hi Ms. Betchay!
    You’re so generous to your readers…
    It’s my first time to post here…
    I’ve been a lurker here for more than a year…
    Maybe It’s time for me to win…

  5. hello… it’s my first time to post here… are you really that generous to your readers??? I’m looking forward to the contest… anyways I hope you can be my friend..

  6. Hello..Do you know the song that was played when Jandi is the maid of Junpyo and then it was her day off and Junpyo invites her to his room and then his fiance suddenly showed up, jandi hides inside his closet and when she falls asleep Junpyo carried her to her room..what is the song? if you knew pls kindly answer to my comment. Thank you very much:) I’ve been dying to listen to that song:))

  7. Hi! ;}bis it instrumental??? :[b
    And another question, do u know the song, i mean its an instrumental and the instrumnts are violin and piano,..its played every time when its Jandi and Jihoo’s moments or scenes…pls. tell me if u knew it and thanks in advance ;-]
    I am so much ready to die if i know that to those people who hate me,…pls. answer it..hahahaahh

  8. the instrumental songs played in BOF are the following:
    i know-lee jun sik
    blue flower-oh joon sung
    so sad-oh joon sung
    this song was played when ha jae kyung left for new york after her suppose weeding with gu jun pyo.
    fight the bad feeling-TMAX

  9. I love this movie so much . espically lee min hu and Gu hye sun . i hope this movie put in the tv soon.i very love hu…..

  10. i wish the BOF has part 2!!! and hope i can see the f4 especially kim bum!!! but all of them are really cute,but i like most kim bum especially his killer smile!!!

    1. Hana Yori Dango has part 2 🙂
      I still haven’t seen BOF because of HYD. I just love the latter so much.

  11. 안녕하세요 .. 난 꽃 이상의 필리핀에서 2 부 소년을 가지고 .. 내가 보기엔 니 숫자 1 팬 .. 그리고, 여기에 내 이메일 주소 것 .. 감사합니다

  12. hi ji hoo(kim hyun joong)
    I really like the way u have acted in the movie. you really match with my unni Jan di. I wish in the next part i.e, part 2 you will get her. I REALLY LOVE YOU MY HYUNG

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,MINHO LOVE HYESUN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  14. hi kimhyunjoong i LiKe YoUr ActInG AnD SiNgiNg VerY mUch!i LiKe YouR dRaMa BOF vERy MuCh u sO cUtE N hAnDSoMe?I aM fRoM nEpAl u HaVe CaMe oNcE hEre
    bYe TaKe CaRe

  15. i hope min ho n hye sun always happily ever after…don’t fighting n to kim beom n kim so eun if you in love just tell the truth..I love so much F4, jan di n ga eul…..
    from pupils in malaysia… 🙂

  16. sarange kin hyun joong ji hoo oppa i love u in the next part may u get a nice gurl than jandi N live happily aarasoo oppa? chaaye ooppppppppaaaa may u live well i love u i love u more than mie life

  17. helloOO gu joon pyo y jandiii por favor les peido qe saken la segunda parte kiero saber como termina asu esa nbovela esta bien wenasa extraoridnario pero kiero saber cuando ya la saccan para qe vena todo el peru por fis boys over flowers los amOOOO

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