Voting for National Elections in Seoul

The national elections in the Philippines is on May 10, but Filipino voters in Seoul started casting their ballots as early as April 10. If you’re a Filipino citizen, make use of your citizenship by voting wisely for the candidate YOU think is the best to govern the Philippines. Too bad I couldn’t vote, but I’d definitely vote for someone who inspires me and whose list of accomplishments simply overwhelms the other candidates’ combined.
The first Filipino voter in Korea, Mr. Alfonso Delgado, said that “if you one want to make a difference, go out and vote.” Remember to vote on your principles though. Don’t just rely on surveys or on personalities.
I hope my nephews and nieces in the Philippines and one in the United States would vote wisely.
Visit the Philippine Embassy website for more information.


  1. Betchay,
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    1. Hi Manila Review! I’m only a blogger and I’ll do what I can do. I couldn’t vote because I’m not a Filipino citizen (on paper). I just believe in Dick Gordon and Bayani Fernando with a reason.

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