Unexpected blackout in Seoul

Traffic lights were out on Thursday afternoon. Photo credit: Yonhap news
Traffic lights were out on Thursday afternoon. Photo credit: Yonhap news

On Thursday afternoon, there was a wide spread blackout in Seoul (Hangeul: ì •ì „ jeong-jeon) and other parts of the country. I was at work at 3:30 PM when it happened. The power came back after 40 minutes. The kids enjoyed it! It is something that doesn’t happen everyday.
Traffic was stalled in some areas as the traffic lights weren’t working. There were some reports that people got stuck in elevators. And it was most likely that many “PC-bangers” just stared at the blank screens of their gaming desktops ;p
Power outages do happen from time to time, but they’re usually announced. I’d only experienced “brown outs” a few times in my eight years here. They all happened in the summer when it’s really hot and almost every household was using an A/C.
At least, the blackout we experienced yesterday was just due to the demand in electricity and it didn’t have anything to do with security ;p


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