Inviting parents of a Filipino married to Korean

Do you want to invite your parents to come to Korea? It is easier to invite them than when you invite your siblings. They don’t need to show financial documents such as bank certificate, certificate of employment or bank statement. Here is the list of documents you need to prepare when applying for a tourist visa for your parents if you are married to a Korean:
Inviting parents of a Filipino married to Korean
1. Application Form
2. 1pc. Passport size colored picture
3. Passport Original(at least 6 months valid)
4. Copy of Passport First Page
5. Original & copy of valid visa and arrival stamps to OECD member countries for the past 5 years
6. Inviters'(Korean/Filipino) Korean Certificate of Marriage History (issued within 3 months)
7. Inviters'(Korean/Filipino) NSO Marriage Certificate
8. Invitation letter from the Korean National
9. Copy of Korean & Filipino’s Passport First page (or valid ID)
â–  Processing time: 3 working days
â–  Visa fee: less than 59 days : free
60days ~ 90days ; Php 1,800
한국인과 결혼한 필리핀인의 부모
1. 비자신청서 1부 * 비자신청서 작성시 빈칸 없이 상세히 기재
2. 여권용사이즈 사진 1매
3. 여권원본(유효기간 6개월이상)
4. 여권(사진면) 사본 1부
5. OECD 국가 관광비자 소지자의 경우, 비자면 복사 1부
6. 국내발행 혼인관계증명서 1부(3개월이내)
7. 필리핀발행 NSO 결혼증명서 1부
8. 한국인의 초청장 1부(별도의 서식 없음: 인적사항, 초청목적, 초청기간 등 상세히 기재) * 공증 불필요
9. 결혼한 한국인 및 필리핀인의 여권사본 각 1부 (또는 한국신분증)
■ 소요기간 : 접수일제외 근무 3일
■ 수수료: 59일 이하 ; 수수료 면제
60일 이상~90일 이하 ; 1,800페소


  1. Hi Betchay! My husband and I haven’t registered our marriage in Korea. We are both in Philippines right now. You think we can register our marriage online? Or should be in person? Thank you!

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