When my two sisters visited us earlier this month, they shopped and shopped! They still have some things left at
Continue readingMeeting Yoo Ah In
I was supposed to watch “Wandeugi” on November 12th with my friends at CGV in Bucheon. However, my husband went
Continue readingBlog giveaway: Starbucks 2012 Planner
UPDATE: If you’d like to get the planner, I’m also offering it here: Starbucks Korea 2012 Planner. I haven’t been
Continue readingKorean Elections
The last time I saw one of my husband’s niece (which was actually last Sunday during his cousin’s wedding), she
Continue readingAll that Pepero
So how many boxes of Pepero did you get yesterday? I got several from my kids last Thursday but I
Continue readingHow to get a Korean boyfriend
I had a good laugh watching the hilarious production of “How to Get a Korean Boyfriend” by Cherish Maningat-Bae, a
Continue readingBenikea's Win a trip to Korea event
Want to win a trip to Korea? Join Benikea Hotel’s latest event – “What is your Best Night in Korea?”
Continue readingMeet the cast of Wandeugi
Wandeugi (English title: Punch) is currently the number one movie in South Korea. It stars Yoo Ah In, among others,
Continue readingFinancial support for multicultural families in need
Posting this from Jasmine Lee’s FB wall. It’s for those who are in need of financial support. a charity foundation
Continue readingBlog giveaway: 11.11.11 Millennium Pepero Day
I was surprised to see my husband’s cousin on one ad of “Pepero” – Korea’s popular pretzel stick snack. My
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